10 SEPTEMBER 1831, Page 5

The King of Holten], it will be remembered, had for

once the best of the argument; when, having accepted the proposals made by the Five Powers to both Holland and Belgium, he maintained that they ought to compel the other party, as they had compelled him, to accept their conditions. But the Belgians talked big, and the Five Powers were alarmed at their demonstrations of wrath. Now, however, that the Belgian army has run away, and the Bel- gian people are ashamed of themselves, and that the victorious King of Holland promises to be the more difficult person to deal with, the Five Powers have again taken or are going to take the stronger side. It is stated with confidence, that they are now about to in- sist upon the acceptance of the original conditions proposed by them to the Belgians. The Duchy of Luxemburg is to be sepa- rated from the kingdom of Leopold ; and it is said to have been already made over by the King of Holland to his son Prince FREDERICK.

The Dutch are accused of doing much mischief to parts of the Belgian territory, by cutting some of' the dykes. There is a ter- rible outcry made in the Brussels papers on the cruelty of drowning a dozen of the best farms of the country.