10 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 21


Tuesday, September 6.

PARTNERSH/PS Dissor.vxn.-Hargreaves and Co. Accrington, Lancashire, cotton- spinners ; as far as regards J. Hargreaves-Hargreaves and Co. Accrington, calico- printers ; as far as regards J. Hargreaves-Wright and Warner, Leicester, coal- merchants-Dixon and Longstaff, Stockton-upon-Tees, sail-cloth-manufacturers- Buchanan and Co. Liverpool, cotton and corn brokers-Maunder and Sons, North- molten. Devonshire, wool-staplers-Witbington and Co. Manchester, attornies ; as far as regards 8.14. Barton-S. and A. Richards jun. Tottenham, auctioneers-bole and Co. Sheffield, merchants-Sweetman and Co. Oxford, linen-drapers-Booth and Flint, Chesterfield, aawyers-D'Enning and Co. Curtain Road, Shoreditch, piano- forte-makers-Smith and Co. Birmingham, drapers-Leather and Littlewood, Al- mondbury, Yorkshire, fancy-waistcoat-manufacturers-Simpson and Isaac, Ayles- ford, Kent, composition-board-manufacturers-Thompson and Davidson, Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, printers-The Kilereggan and Lochgoilhead Steamboat Com- pany; as far as regards G. Purden, R. Paterson, T. Forgan, L Marshall, T. Leek. RANKCIIPIS.-CHARLEs CRAKE HAMILTON, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, ironmonger, to surrender Sept. 14, Oct. 19; solicitor, Atkinson, Bedford Bowl-official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Timmas LAMPERT POWELL. Horn- sey_epholsterer, Sept. 13, Oct. 19: solicitors, Allen and Nicol, Queen Street, Cheap- side; official, assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Sums LAZARUS OPPENHEIM, Bdiid-Street 'Buildings, merchant, Sept. 17, Oct. 28: solicitors, Sole and Co. Alder- manbiwy ; official assignee Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Cnantss Scarr RENDLE, Brook Terrace, Old Kent hoed, boot and shoe manufacturer, Sept. 16, Oct. 28: so- licitor, Wright, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-Jonx JAIIIDIRTAN, Edward Street, Portman Square, milliner, Sept. 16, Oct. 28: solicitors, Sore anti Co. Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-WILLIAM KinnArr, Stourbridge, butcher, Sept. 20, Oct. 11: solicitor, Collis, Stourbridge; official assignee, Bittleston, Waterloo Street, Birmingham-Jonx Bonsoa, Durham, Miller, Sept 155 Oct.. 144., solicitors, Hodge and Marie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DIVIDENDS.-Sept. 30, liodgkinson (otherwise Bradshaw), Bolton-le-Moors, iron- faunder-Sept. 29. Luckes, Exeter, provision-dealer-Sept. 29, Ashman, Yeovil, currier--Sept. 29, Upward, Lyme Regis, draper-Sept. 29, Foster, Paing,ton, Devon- shire, linen-draper-Sept. 29, Julian, Exeter, coal-dealer-Oct. 10, Pike, East Stone- bottse, Devonshire, butcher-Sept. 30, Power, Liverpool, merchant-Sept. 30, Mo- cads; Liverpool, commission-merchant. Csaarrricerss.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 4, Jacobs, Moorgate Street, builder-Oct. 4, Bellot, Old Jewry Cham- bers, merchant-Oct. 4, Barnett, late of Gloucester Terrace, Heaton Old Town, watch- maker-Oct. 6, Johnston, Gracechurch Street, ironmonger-Oct. 5, Deportu, Mark Lane, merchant-Oct. 6, Percival, Greenwich, china-dealer-Oct. 6, Austin, Grove, Great Guildford Street, iron-founder-Sept. 28, Franks, Blackfriars Road, surgeon-. Sept. 29, Casson, Liverpool, coach-builder-Oct. 17, Milnes, Rochdale, wool-stapler-- Sept. 27, Malley, Lancaster, silversmith-Sept. 28, Cocker, Hathersag,e, Derbyshire, needle-manufacturer-Sept. 28, Carter, Preston, corn-merchant-Oct. 9, Marshall, Shipston-on-Stour, Worcestershire, corn-dealer-Sept. 27, Bradshaw, Birmingham, victualler.

Seneca Siwornentarrons.-Darling, Edinburgh, merchant, Sept- 12-Stewart, Dun- dee, brewer, Sept. 15-Campbell, Thurso, merchant, Sept. 14-Farrer, Dumfries, leather-merchant, Sept. 16-Currie, Springhall Mill, Roxburghshire, farmer, Sept. 16.

Friday, Sept. 9.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-M`Carthy and Co. Birmingham, bakers-Cox and Hilljun. Lenten, Nottinghamshire, lace-machine-owners-Williams and Co. Liver- poOljoiners-Manning and Wrathall, Mortimer Place, Iloaton, printing-ink-manu- facturers-Farrer and Penrose, High Holborn, tailors-Brockelbank and Gawith, Kendal, tobacco-manufaeturers-J. and J. Platt, Middleton, Lancashire, fustian- cutters-Crowley and Pearson, Sheffield, and Crowley and Co. Manchester, iron- founders ; as far as regards E. Pearson-Tolson and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, atter- nies-Williams and Lewis, Abergavenny, coach-makers-Haydon and Were, river- tad, guano-merchants-Nicholson and Lockitt, St. Paul's Churchyard, lacemen- Palmer and Smith, London-Southall and Co. Ashton-under-Lyne, boot-manufac- turers; as far as regards A. Southall-Docker and Onions, Birmingham, japanners- Thompson and Schorlield, Halifax, painters-Gradwell and Pyke, Preston, corn- merchants-Lakin and Jackson, Manchester, bent-timber-manufacturers ; as far as regkeds G. Jackson-H. and C. Bailey, Porter Street, Soho, bakers-M. E. and J. Midwinter, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, grocers-M. and H. A. Pontey, Dewsbury. milliners-T. and J. Sanderson, Sheffield, anvil-manufacturers-Hobday and Ro- hertS, Queen Street, Cheapside, printers-J. and C. Cuttle, Wakefield, worsted-ma- nufiletisiere-Studholme and Clarke, Carlisle, land-agents-Kneeshaw and Luccock, Scarborough. bricklayers-Peppers and West, Boston, drapers-Lamb and Suther- land, Qles,sow, wrights- Sutherland and Co. Montreal, merchants. Baairreci•rs.--Jorisr HENRY and nun:murex Minimax Gontn, Watling Street, ware- hod:Stolen, to surrender Sept. 22, Oct. 18 : solicitor, Jones, Sire Lane ; official as- signee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- JAMES PALusit, Hove, Brighton, builder, Sept. 21, Ott; 19: solicitors, Snow and Blake, College Hill; official assignee StansfeLd, BaSinghall Street -Wirmsm Howtxrv, Hove, Brighton, builder, Sept. 19, Oct. 28: solicitor, Jones, Quality. Court; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street- EDWAXI) Harrar PA.RKES, Upper Ebury Street, corn-chandler, Sept. 15, Oct. 19: so- licitors, Brundrett and Co. Temple ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- Wi;etterd'Atnkaroiv, Wolverhampton, grocer, Sept. 22, Oct. 11: solicitor, Dunning, Leeds; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Geosox Booms, Bishopwear- month, shipowner, Sept. 15, Oct. 14: solicitors, Nixon, New Boswell Court ; Merle, Southampton, Buildings ; .Ranson and Sons, Sunderland; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-npon-Tyne.

Drvroissins.-Sept. 30, Power, Liverpool, merchant-Sept. 30, Child and Barker, Wakefield: railvray-contractors-Sept. 80, M'Burnie, Wetherby, grocer-Sept. 30, Scott, Brothertoo, Yorkshire, miller-Sept. 30, Wheeler, Scarborough, wine-merchant.

Canviricarzs.--gb,he granted, unless causebe shown to the. " , onthe day of meetissy.-Oct. 6, Evnni, HEunpron Court, h .otel-keeper-Sept. 30, s, New Brendord, boot-maker-Sept. 30. Wood, Grand Junction Terrace, Edgeware Road; stationer-Oct. 1, Bloomfield. salted. Suffolk, vietnaller-Oct. 1. Langan. Chapel Place, Oxford Street, wine-merchant-Oct. 5, Newman, Westerleigh, Gloucester. shire, innkeeper-Oct. 1, T. and E. Kemp, Stratford-upon-Avon, painters-Nov.?, Pinder, York, grocer. SCOTCH Smatnearnarrow.-Graham, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, plumber. Sept. 15.