10 SEPTEMBER 1859, Page 10


A summary of an important article which appeared in the Mon iteur of yesterday has come to hand. It treats of the Italian question and may throw some light on the interviews at St. Sauveur and the difficulties that have prevailed at Zurich. "The Emperor of Austria had promised to grant concessions on a large scale to Venetia, but with the stipulations, as a sine qua non, the return of the Archdukes. The Emperor Napoleon accepted these conditions. It is easy to conceive that, if after the conclusion of the peace, the destinies of Italy had been entrusted to men who had more at heart the future of their common Fatherland than little partial successes, the aim of their endeavours would have been to develop, and not to obstruct, the consequences of the Treaty of Villafranca ; and then Venetia would have been placed in the same position as Luxembourg with Holland. The Archdukes will not be reestablished by foreign forces, but that portion of the Treaty of Villafranca not being carried out, Austria would find herself freed from all engagements taken in favour of Venetia. Instead of a policy of reconciliation and peace, a policy of distrust and hatred will be seen to reappear, which will entail fresh misfortunes. Much, it would appear, is expected from a Congress, which we invoke with all our wishes, but we strongly doubt whether the Congress would obtain better conditions for Italy. It would not be right to ask from a great Power important concessions, without offering equitable compensations. War would be the only way to resolve the difficulty ; but Italy must be aware that one Power alone makes war for an idea, and that is France ; and France has accomplished her task."