10 SEPTEMBER 1859, Page 6

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$ 11.11r,—The Emperor and Empress are still at St. Sauvenr. Prince Richard Metternich arrived at the end of August, and had an interview with the Emperor on the 30th. Count Arese was there at the same time. The Austrian has since passed through Paris on his way to Vienna, and the Italian has gone back to Turin. The Paris cor- respondent of the nines gives an account of what he believes to have been the purport of Metternich's mission.

"Under pretext of ascertaining in person the real intentions of the Em- peror Napoleon with respect to Italy, Prince Metternich was instructed to propose an interview between him and the Emperor Francis Joseph, with the view of bringing about an alliance between France and Austria. Prince Metternich was to commence by announcing it as the fixed resolve of Aus- tria never to recognize the principle of allowing a people to choose its own Government. Neither will she admit the aggrandizement of Piectmcnxt without guarantees that such aggrandizement will not be turned against herself in Italy. If the Emperor of the French comes to an understanding on that head, Austria will make; concessions on the questions of limitation and the debt, and she will offer no obstruction to his views ; and should he wish to confer on his cousin Prince Napoleon the crown of Tuscany he will meet with no opposition on her part. Austria certainly declares that she has at heart the restoration of the Grand Dukes, but she will endeavour to find compensation for them elsewhere, and would net refuse to annul the clause of the Treaty of Villafranca on that point. She will, in fact, be prepared for considerable sacrifices, provided she succeeds in diverting Napoleon III. from his avowed policy—that of expelling Austria from Italy through the instrumentality of Piedmont, and the principles of free government which Piedmont represents. And, doubtless, as Austna supposes that an alliance on the affairs of Italy could hardly be realized, she would be satisfied with his assurances, and propose an arrangement at the interview which she earnestly solicits. Why should they not come to an understanding ? Why, for instance, should not France and Austria take the same view of the Eastern question ? In the East compensation might be found for Austria and the Grand Dukes for what is surrendered in Italy ; they might then easily agree upon the Italian. question. There is hardly an arrangement that would not suit them, even to the dynasty of the son of Prince Jerome ; all, in fact, except the dreaded aggnmcfizement of Piedmont. This,' Prince Metternich was instructed to say to the Emperor, 'ought to suit you, because it is most important that France and Austria should exercise great vigilance, and jointly put a cheek on the too ambitious pretensions of Ruasia.' " The talk of an interview has progressed. The castle of Ahrenenberg is now named as the trysting place. Rear-Admiral Du-Pouy, who bad been summoned by the Emperor to St. Sauveur, has quitted the Imperial residence, and proceeded to Cher- bourg. It is reported that Government has given orders at Creuzot for the construction of twenty frigates, iron plated (fregates lilindees). It is reported that the Emperor will be present at the inauguration in the month of October of the colossal statue of the Virgin which has been erected on a rock in the town of Puy (Haute Loire), and which is formed partly of guns taken in the Crimea.

The Conference at Zurich is said to have fairly broken down, but the statement requires confirmation. The latest meeting took place on Tues- day, when M. de Bourqueney saw separately both Count Colloredo and M. Desambrois. The following article from the Oat Deutsche Post shows what exertions are still made to foster illusions at Vienna.

" The question of the Duchies will not much impede the proceedings of the authors of the peace, as it has been completely settled in the prelimi- naries of peace. It will present but very few difficulties of detail, and those will not in reality belong to the sphere of action of the Conference. The clause of the preliminaries by which the expelled Sovereigns are to return to their States may. be simply copied into the treaty of peace. It will with- out doubt be therein copied, such as it is, with perhaps a clause in favour of the Duke of Parma. The execution will not therefore be an object of stipulation, but a question of fact. The affair of the Duchies becomes very simple when one fact is not forgotten, to which the journals pay but little attention. It is, that the King of Sardinia signed the preliminaries of Villafranca, including the clause relative to the Duchies. Whether he did it willingly or unwillingly matters little. He did it, and he will be obliged by the other contracting Powers to hold to it. King Victor Emmanuel is bound by his signature and as neither Austria. nor France i disposed to allow the article to ?all to the ground, he must also sign the treaty of peace which reproduces it. King Victor. Emmanuel cannot therefore accept the annexation of the Duchies. At this moment, that is before the signature of the peace, he is still free to leave hope to his admirers by saying to them : I cannot yet explain raysalf, for I do not yet know what will be the final result of the Conference; but when the treaty of peace, including an article on the restoration of the legitimate Sovereigns, shall be signed, the King of Sardinia can only express in his declaration the re- gret that he was not able, in spite of the beat intentions, to annex the Duchies to his kingdom. The restoration will then take place of itself. Victor Emmanuel will not accept his election, and his interest will not permit him to let another candidate be chosen. He would moreover con- demn a proclamation of the republic, and the same would be the case with France and Austria. The proclamation of a republic would be, in our opinion, the only ease that could occasion an armed intervention. The re- storation of the legitimate Princes will not necessitate any such interven- tion. Let the Piedmontese volunteers and soldiers who agitate the Duchies in the disguise of national guards be removed, and that can easily be done by menacing the King of Sardinia to cause French troops to remain at Milan, Turin, and Genoa, so long as the Piedmontese shall remain in the Duchies. Let, we say, the populations of Central Italy be delivered from revolutionary terrorism' and reaction will take place of itself for the advan- tage of the chaposseseedSovereigns, supposing that those Sovereigns proclaim the reforms and institutions to which the populations are entitled."

A Paris correspondent of the Independence Beige has been writing alarmist letters tending to show that the French Emperor has a secret policy directed against England. The Constitution-net has thought them worth a contradiction. Their purport can be gained from the following commentary published by the Journal des Debets. "We find in the Independence of Brussels a letter from Paris which does not appear to come from its ordinary correspondent, and which it is difficult to pass without remark. The writer, in the first place, admits without discussion the opinion already several times expressed,that the Emperor of the French in concluding the peace of lirdlehanca particularly sought to acquire the alliance of Austria. The object of the Emperor in obtaining that alliance would be to accomplish the task assigned to the second French Empire—the abolition of the treaties of 1815 and the weakening of the moral domination of England. The correspondent of the Independence does not conclude from this that war against England is inevitable, or that it is the final object of all the acts of the French Government but he rdfirms that in order to avoid Each a war England must return into the common law, and renounce a supremacy which is no longer in keeping with her strength. If England does not with a good grace admit this change in her situation, then only war would become Inevitable. We do not wish to give any exaggerated importance to this letters but it is impossible not to see that it expresses a generally entertained opinion. One must certainly be ignorant of contemporaneous history to maintain that England places herself above common right, and exercises any supremacy in Europe. Our neighbours are not now so proud, and they have sufficiently proved during the late war that they were far i from pretending to any excessive influence in the affairs of Europe ; and there s therefore no necessity for bringing them back to more humble sentiments by those threats of war fulminated against them by the correspondent of the Independence. But these threats themselves merit attention. They show us once more how much a Govern- ment which holds in its hands all the forces of a great country, and which is the absolute master of its foreign policy, is liable to have its conduct falsely. interpreted."

On Tuesday the Plenipotentiaries of the Paris Conferences assembled ; they had under their consideration the double election of Prince Couza in the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia.

Stahl --The deputation from Tuscany arrived at Turin on Saturday. They were met at the railway station by some members of the Pied- mentese Parliament ; the streets through which they passed on their way to the Hatel de l'Europe were thronged with enthusiastic crowds, and glowing with decorations. At four o'clock they were received by Bing Victor Emmanuel. As leader of the deputation Signor Gherardesca read the following address-

" Sire—A unanimous vote of the National Assembly, faithfully inter- preting the sentiments of a whole nation, has solemnly proclaimed the will of Tuscany to form part of an Italian kingdom, under the constitutional sceptre of your Majesty. The government of Tuscany, having been in- structed to solicit your Majesty's favourable acceptance of this vote, has ac- eepted this high mission with the joy which the accomplishment of a great duty imparts, when it is at the same time the fulfilment of a long and ardent desire. Sire, if this homage of confidence and devotedness on the wit of the Tuscan people had no other object, were it to have no other effect but the aggrandisement of your Majesty's States, we might be doubtful as to the Emcees of our prayers' but the vote of the Tuscan Assembly having been dictated by the love of Italian nationality, with a view to promote the great- ness and prosperity of our common country, we are supported by the hope that the interests of Italy will, in your Majesty's generous soul, overcome every other consideration, and that your Majesty will deign to rejoice Tus- cany by your august acquiescence in the wishes which her legitimate repre- sentatives have expreed in the face of the world with so much enthusiasm, gratitude, and faith.

"B. Riossom, C. RrooLsr, E. room, R. Bassi:es, V. SALVAGNOLI, P. DB. CANER°, C. BESIWIIL" "Florence, August 31."

To this Victor Emmanuel replied as follows :— " I am profoundly grateful to the Tuscan Assembly for the appeal which

you have been charged to convey to me in its name. I thank you for it and with me my people thank you also. I receive this appeal as a solemn manifestation of the will of the Tuscan people, who, in effacing from a land which was the mother of modem civilization the last vestiges of foreign do- mination desire to contribute to the constitution of a strong kingdom, which shall pueItaly in a position to sustain her independence. The Tuscan As- sembly was aware, and all Italy will understand, that the realization of its wishes can only be effected by the aid of the forthcoming negotiations, which will determine the organization of the affairs of Italy. " Seconding your desire strong in the rights which are conferred upon me by your vote, I shall defend the cause of Tuscany before the Powers in whom the Assembly, in its wisdom, has placed its .hopes ; and, above all, with the generous Emperor of the French, who has done so much for the Italian cause. Europe will not refuse, I trust, to accomplish in behalf) f Tuscany the work of reparation which, under less favourable circumstances, it has already accomplished in favour of Greece, of Belgium., and of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. In these latter times, gentle- men, your noble country has given an admirable example of moderation and of concord. To those virtues which the apprenticeship of misfortune has taught Italy, you will add, I ant sure, that which is able to surmount the most arduous trials and to assure the triumph of just enterprises—per- severance."

In the evening there was an illumination. The deputation, invited by the municipality of that city to visit Milan, consented, and they were to leave Turin on Wednesday.

Count Cavour, says the well-informed correspondent of the Daily News at Turin "has been staying here for some days, and is in the enjoyment of excellent health. His antechamber is crowded just as much as it was when he was minister, and the gratitude of the Italians towards him steadily continues to increase. It is probable that the Count will very soon resume the reins of government.'

On the 4th a grand illumination took place throughout Tuscany. The arms of the House of Savoy were placed upon the gates of the Palazzo Vecchio and the Palazzo Pitti amid the enthusiastic cheers of the popu- lace. The Municipal body of Florence gave a grand fête. A proclama- tion of the Government explains the words which the King of Sardinia had addressed to the Tuscan deputation. The peasantry participate in the universal joy of the people of Tuscany. The most striking news from Florence is the recall of the Marquis de la Ferrier° the French Ambassador. He is supposed to have been too zealous and too indiscreet in promoting the objectsof those mysterious missionaries M. de Reiset and Prince Poniatowsh".

The portfolio of Ecclesiastical Affairs in Tuscany fell to the lot of Salvagnoli. He has enough to do according to the correspondent of the Times.

"There is no doubt but in the midst of this admirable accord of all classes and parties in Tuscans-, the Church sends forth the only jarring note. The priests, although at heart as bitterly hostile as ever, were peaceful and submissive enough so long as the war of independence raged in Lombardy, for then all their love for and subserviency to their master, the Pope, were kept in check by the favour of their master's master, the Emperor, showed to the champions of the national Italian cause. Since Villafranca, however, the priests thought Napoleon III. had withdrawn his countenance from Italian freedom, and they were bidden by Rome to do battle a outrance, an order they were too ready and too willing to comply with. War is there- fore openly declared, and there is in the faces of the idle priests who are to be met lounging and jaunting about the streets of Florence an air of arro- gance and almost of defiance, which is quite sufficient, after an hour's stroll, to send home the most peaceful and religious Christian smitten with that kind of clerophobia which is too generally imputed to the liberal party in this country. The Archbishop of Florence refused to deposit his name in the ballot-box at the last election and his example was, of course, followed by the vast majority of the priests of his diocese. Most of the bishops, not satisfied with abstaining from the exercise of their duties as citizens, openly discountenanced the attendance of their flock on election day, even under threats of excommunication. In the country, the monks especially did not scruple to proclaim that the revolutionary Government was under the ban of the Church, and that the same censure should extend to all who abetted it by appearing at the polling-booths. They also announced the speedy restoration of the legitimate Sovereigns, by the interference of 50,000 Tedesehi. The efforts of the Government to keep these meddling shavelings in order have been partly frustrated by the bishops, who show all favour to the boldest agitators, and smuggle away to Rome such as are thought to have committed themselves to actionable deeds. The clergy, in short, are a well organized and disciplined body, and have their head. at Rome, beyond reach of the hands of the Tuscan executive."

The states of Parma have voted by 63,403 against 506 for annexation to Piedmont. The assembly convoked by Farini was to meet on Wednes- day. On the 6th the Assembly of Bologna unanimously adopted the follow- ing resolution :— We, the representatives of the people of the Romagna, calling on the Deity to witness the righteousness of our intentions, declare that the people of the Romagna, strong in their right, will no longer submit to the tem- poral government of the Pope."

On Wednesday the proposal for the annexation of the Legations to Piedmont was unanimously voted. The Assembly also authorized the President of the National Assembly to present an address to the Ern- peror Napoleon and to King Victor Emmanuel, expressing their sym- pathies for Venetia, and the Assembly further offered to make pecuniary sacrifices in her favour.

The province of Bologna contributed forty deputies to the Constituent Assembly ; the rest of the Romagna, eighty. The government of Bo- logna has abolished the Pontifical postage stamps, and created now Ones instead.

The government of Modena is demolishing forts and raising national troops.

The Pope is collecting troops, brigands and " beggars " are welcome to General Kalbermatten, with the view, it is said, of recsanquering the Legations. Austrian " deserters " also arrive in the Papal camp. Mean- while negotiation proceeds at Rome. We read in the Roman corre- spondence of the Journal des Debate- " The Ambassador of France has represented to the Government here that the Emperor would see with pleasure, under certain conditions freely ac- cepted by both sides, the Legations return again under the authority of the Pope. They might, for example, he said, retain the Administration which they have ipvea themselves, and which appears to satisfy them, and pay the same tribute and taxes as those which existed at the moment of the d.e facto separation. It is probable that Bologna would submit to these condi- tions if they were recommended by friendly Powers ; and in that case the

Pope would keep a governor at Bologna to prove histigh suzerainty, but everything else would be distinct and separate. The Ambassador has also recommended reforms in the rest of the States of the Church, but he has done so in terms which, from their perfect moderation cannot leave the Holy Father to suppose that he does not enjoy full liberty:. It appears that the basis of the proposed reforms will be the project of 1857. It was added by the Ambassador that the military occupation of Rome by a French divi- sion must necessarily cease, but nothing definitive was said as to the period at which it should do so ; it is, however, believed that it will be in the course of the coming year, and perhaps in the first six months of it. The Holy Father must then prepare a serious military force, and be supported by the opinion of his own subjects, for Austria will not intervene, and if by chance a third Power should attempt to meddle in the affairs of Italy, and if Piedmont as an Italian State should wish to prevent it from doing so, France would probably see no sufficient motive for creating an obstacle.' Massimo d'Azeglio has published an eloquent and able letter on the Italian question, which terminates in this wise. "I owe my country and myself to bear witness to the truth and I, therefore, stand up, and appear before the tribunal of public opinion, and affirm upon my honour that for many years the Romagna was never so tran- quil as it is at the present crisis, and the same may be said of the other pro- vinces of Central Italy. I affirm all this upon my honour, and I shall be glad of an opportunity to offer those provinces a proof of the affection and esteem I entertain towards them. The Austro-Jesuitical party assert the contrary. Let any man judge and choose between that party and


Sziginnt.—The Senate in its sitting of Tuesday adopted the first article of the Bill concerning the fortifications of Antwerp by a vote of thirty-four against fifteen. Four members abstained from voting.

ihr1I1au4.—The new Liberal party forming in Germany, and recruited from the ranks of the Democrats and Constitutionalists, has met again at Eisenach, and adopted the following resolutions as subsidiary to the declarations put forth at Eisenach on the 17th of July, and at Hanover on the 19th of the same month :—

" 1. We see in the present political situation great dangers for the inde- pendence of our German Fatherland, which have been increased rather than diminished by the peace concluded between Austria and France. "2. These dangers arise from the imperfect federal constitution of Ger- many, and they can only be avoided by a speedy change in this consti- tution.

"3. To this end it is necessary that the German Diet should be replaced by a firm, strong, and permanent Central Government, and that a National Assembly should be called. " 4. In the present circumstances, it is only by Prussia that effectual steps can be taken to reach this end ; to secure the initiative of Prussia must therefore be the object of our efforts. "5. Should Germany be again threatened from without, before the Cen- tral Government is definitively constituted, the conduct of her military forces and diplomatic relations abroad must be confided to Prussia. "6. It is the duty of every German to give his support to the Prussian Government, so long as its aims coincide with the aims and necessities of Germany, and its actions are directed to securing for Germany a strong, free, and united constitution.

" 7. We expect from all friends of the German Fatherland, whether they belong to the Democratic or Constitutional party, that they will prefer the national independence and union to the claims of party, and will work to- gether with one accord and with perseverance to arrive at a strong German unity.

" Eisenach, August 14, 1859."

Sussi 8.—The Russian Government has ordered the first three corps d'armee, under the orders of Prince Gortschakoff, to be placed on a peace footing.

A company has been formed at St. Petersburg for the construction of a commercial port there on a large scale. In the middle of the month of July Prince Bariatinski undertook a great expedition into Daghestan. An order of the day, dated the 8th of August, announces the result of that expedition in the submission of And ,i Avarie, Gumbat, Koissubo, and other districts on the left bank of the Koissu and the vicinity. An Imperial rescript announces that the Emperor has conferred upon Prince Bariatinski the Order of St. George, second class.

ifiI .—The Iberia publishes a letter from Ceuta of the 25th August, which states that the Moors, having obtained reinforcements from the neighbouring populations, had obliged the Spanish advanced posts to fall back, had taken their camp, and had possessed themselves of the strong positions called El Morro, El .Arroyo, Ceuta in Vieja and La Puntilla. The Spaniards, it appears caused great loss to the assailants by their ar- tillery, but nevertheless sliffered severely themselves. The result of the engagement is stated to be that the Spaniards now occupy no ground beyond the walls of the fortress, and it is added that their position is the same at Melilla. Manuel Concha, having under him Prim and Echague, is to command an expedition against the Moors.

urkrq.—Adyices have been received from Constantinople to the 31st August. Disturbances have taken place in Candia, caused by the collection of certain taxes from the Greek inhabitants. Five of the tax- gatherers have been murdered, and two battalions of soldiers have been sent to arrest the chief leaders in this affray.

A Circassian deputation had arrived at Constantinople, and presented to the Ambassadors of the several Powers a declaration protesting against the invasion of their country by Russia, and stating that the whole of their provinces would be forced to submission if abandoned by the Porte. [These are Marseilles reports.]

. 13111'11115 II P5.—A mercantile letter, quoted in the City article of the Times, gives an interesting account of the condition of the states on the River Plato.

"The Chambers were definitively closed for the season on the 15th Au- gust. Previous to the closing the contract of the Guaranteed Loan Com- pany, substituting the administration of the stamp and licence duties for the customs, was sanctioned in General Assembly, and also the Macea contract for the conversion of the bones into consolidated funds, bearing 6 per cent interest per annum, and Mama has already advertised to the parties inte- rested to lodge their securities with him for conversion. The inte- rest will commence from the 1st of July last. It is believed that there are many forged bones in existence, and some of the holders, believing the conversion illusory, will not avail themselves of the new law. The project for increasing the contribucion directa—or income and capital tax—was not carried into law. Nior Reyes, who held the portfolio of Finance and for Foreign Affairs, was exonerated from his posts by a decree of the President a few days ago, and it is rumoured by his enemies that his accounts have been cooked, and that there is a deficiency of some hundreds of thousands of dollars ! An inquiry, it is said, is to be immediately instituted. However, be was not dismissed for this. He fell in consequence of a violent attach which he made in the public prints against the permanent committee, and his intemperate language towards the President. The Collector of Customs,

Salvafiach, is named Minister of Finance for the present, and Dr. Carreras, who was some months ago displaced through the intrigues of Nior Reyes and

his party, has resumed his former post of Minister for Foreign Affairs. He is a respectable man and Salvailach, although a man of no great ability, bears a very fair character. One of his first acts is to disallow the giving of orders on the Treasury for salaries, which, although contrary to law, had been a common practice with all his predecessors. Instead, therefore, as for- merly, giving undue preference to some employes, all are now to be paid

alike—that is, is rata, according to the amount that may be in the Trea- sury. If this regularly adhered to, it will be a great step in reform. The Government is giving undue importance to General Flores, who represents- a section of its political enemies, and who, having for some time resided in Entre Rios, a few weeks ago escaped to Buenos Ayres, whence he has been despatched with some followers on a secret expedition. It is unlikely he will make any attempt against the peace of this country, and if he does, it is still less likely that he would succeed. He is most cordially hated and despised by most of the Colorado party. The small colony of Vaudois, at the Rosario, to which I alluded in one of my former letters, is progressing very favourably, and they are Said to be well satisfied with their position and prospects. The location is a suitable one, and only inferior to that of Froy Bentos, on the river Uruguay, where in a few years there will, no doubt, be a very flourishing town. Houses are springing up. as fast as the brickmakers can make bricks. The joint-stock banks are doing well, and their shares are at a premium. Land continues to increase in value, and a good deal of it is constantly changing hands. Stock farming is becoming a mania, and only immigration on a large scale is required to render this fine country one of considerable importance. The steamers Salto, Menai, and Pamper°, which were purchased by Urquiza, are still in this bay, and as long as the Buenos Ayreans remain in possession of the island of Martin Garcia with its present armament, they are not likely. to attempt to pass it. They will prove dear vessels to Uri:luau. This morning the armed steamer Hercules has arrived from Rio Janeiro, bearing the Argentine flag, and another is shortly expected from the same port. The neutrality, therefore, of the Government of Brazil is no longer problema- tical. The empire may some time or other have cause to regret its parti- sanship. It is lamentable to see chieftainship supported against constitu- tional Government by a Liberal Administration. This morning's papers announce the dismissal of Luis Herrera, the chief of police, and the appoint- ment of Colonel Bermudes, who is said to be a respectable man. "With the fall of Herrera we may now expect the suppression of a notorious gambling- house of which it is believed he was one of the principal supporters. One of its unfortunate frequenters, an Italian, has lately gambled away a con- siderable fortune, and more who were comparatively affluent, have been ruined by that most detestable vice. The Government has issued a decree stating that no subvention will in future be granted to any newspapers, and that although public affairs may be temperately and fairly discussed, all revolutionary tendencies will be punished. The screw steamer General Havelock, lately from England, left this port a few days ago for the Rosario and the Parana. When off the Island of MartinGarcia she was boarded by Buenos Ayrean authorities, who would have made a prize of her but for the timely intervention of a French war steamer. She returned to Montevideo, and, it having been signified to the Buenos Ayrean Government that the passage would be forced for her by a British man-of-war, they wisely de- clared that no further interruption would be offered to her passage. They pretend to say that they had information the vessel was sohl to ITrquiza ; but, whether sold or not, it is certain she had no arms or ammunition On board, and she carried the British flag."

(alir nf huh 13 t.—Advices from the Cape to the 23d July have been received. The principal topic of news is the recall of Sir George Grey, the Governor. He was recalled on account of differences of opinion with the Derby Government Meetings have been held and resolutions past regretting his departure. The feeling of disappointment and regret at Sir George's recall seemed to be generally entertained, and the journals of the colony publish lengthy articles on the subject. Tran- quillity reigns throughout the frontier and the States beyond. The Cape Parliament was prorogued on the 8th of July, after sitting 144 dap. Among recent decisions it declined to annex British Kaffraria to the colony.