10 SEPTEMBER 1870, Page 2

The Provisional Government was at once constituted, and con- sists

of General Trochu, the only officer whom Paris and the Army alike trust, as President, with full military powers ; of M. Gambetta, the well-known Red, a man of violent oratory, but cool business habits, as Minister of the Interior ; M. Jules Favre, the barrister, a moderate Republican, as Minister of Foreign Affairs ; of General Leflo, a Republican with Orleanist leanings, as Minister at War ; of M. Cremieux, the old Hebrew Repub- lican, as Minister of Justice ; and of other less known Repub- licans. These Ministers form a kind of Council, to which all Deputies for Paris are admitted, and which exercises the ultimate Dictatorship. Their decrees are issued in the name of the "Govern- ment of the National Defence," and the first one dissolved the Chamber ; the second abolished the Senate and the Council of State ; and the third declared that the object of the Revolution was the expulsion of the foreigner from the soil of France. The new Government was at once obeyed by the troops, who broke off their eagles' heads ; and by the National Guard ; and was on Friday accepted by the leading Socialists, with Blanqui at their head.