10 SEPTEMBER 1870, Page 3

It will be noted that it is the Republican, and

not the Socialist, party which is in power. M. Jules Simon, Minister of Instruction :and Religion, belongs, in some sense, to that party ; but he is rather an " Owenite " than a Socialist in the Continental sense ; while the Army is in the hands of an Orleanist, and all the great -offices—Home, Foreign, Finance, and Police—have been assigned 'to moderate men. Rochefort is supposed by his followers to be -extreme, but without much reason, and he has distinctly repu- diated violence. It was believed at first that the Socialists would resist their exclusion, bat their leaders counsel patience and patriotism, and they are unarmed. It is believed, however, that 'large numbers of the violent classes have obtained revolvers ; they -threaten the rich; and a perfect exodus of the well-to-do is going on towards Belgium, England, and Italy.