10 SEPTEMBER 1870, Page 3

The English in Paris appear to be extremely excited because

the British Government does not at once propose mediation, but they misunderstand the situation. What is Lord Granville to propose? That France be not dismembered ? That would be most sensible, provided the people were prepared to carry it out, and declare war because Germany claimed Alsace and Lorraine. Are they pre- pared ? We do not believe it, though we do believe that England would fight rather than see France reduced under the " Bur- gundian" plan—which was very seriously considered—to a second- rate power. If, then, France rejects all terms involving territorial cession, and Germany rejects all terms not involving territorial cession, what is England to do, except see that the cession is not too great ? The new policy of Government is to keep silence till its words mean actions, and whether a wise policy or not, it is as honest and a right one.