10 SEPTEMBER 1887, Page 14


[TO ran EDITOR OT THR ”Sracraroa."1 Snz,—Would it not dispel a good deal of mist, if all Liberal Unionists would declare plainly that they are as opposed to the establishment of any Irish Parliament, as it is clear from his public utterances that Mr. Bright is Is it not self-evident that neither Parliament nor Executive- are required for that local self-government which all shades of Liberals wish to see extended to the whole of the United, Kingdom ?

Surely it is the concession, or non-concession, of a separate Parliament, and not the concession of four or any number of minor points laid down by any Unionist leader at any particular time, which really divides Unionist from Gladstonian Liberals.—

I am, Sir, do., W. H. Rm. Six-Mile Bottom, near Newmarket, September 6th.