10 SEPTEMBER 1904, Page 3

We are glad to note that the Home Secretary has

appointed a Committee to "report upon the circum stances of the con- victions of Mr. Adolf Beck in 1896 and 1904." The members are the Master of the Rolls, as chairman, Sir Spencer Walpole, and Sir John Edge, late Chief Justice of the North- West Provinces. The selection seems to us a judicious one, for Sir Richard Henn Collins is one of the ablest and fairest of living lawyers ; and of the other two, one is familiar with the Indian Penal Code, which makes provision for the very circumstance which is Mr. Beck's chief grievance, and the other is a distinguished retired official, who is unconnected with any Government Department. We trust that the terms of their reference are sufficiently wide to embrace the conduct of the Home Office after the conviction in 1896.