10 SEPTEMBER 1910, Page 18


Srar-On. September 16th a party of twenty lads ranging in age from sixteen to twenty-one are sailing under our care for Western Australia. They are all of tested good character, but are either out of work or in imminent danger of becoming so, with the almost certain result of falling into chronic unemployment and of swelling the numbers of the unemployable and hopeless. They will be cared for on the voyage, and on reaching their destination will be looked after and provided with immediate employment by our representatives, and there is every prospect that they will have happy, useful lives before them, instead of lives useless and burdensome to themselves and the community.

We should be most grateful to any of your readers who could help us to provide outfits for these lads by sending us partly worn clothes, both upper and under, boots, hats and caps, collars, ties ; in fact, all sorts of things suitable for them to wear on the voyage and on arrival

Our Emigration Department is at all times in need of supplies of this description, including clothing for women and children bound for Canada., rugs, travelling-bags, portmanteaux, and Other travellers' requisites. Our special appeal at the moment is, how- ever, for outfits for the lads mentioned above. Gifts Will be gratefully aolmewledged by, the secretary, Emigration PePerignegt, at this address ; and to be of use for this party they should reach us by -Wednesday, September 14th, at latest.—I am, Sir, &c., W. Cairene, Hon. Chief Secretary. The Church Army Headquarters, 65 Bryanston Street, Marble Arch, W.