10 SEPTEMBER 1910, Page 25

READABLE Novets.—The Chosen of the Gods. By Andrew Soutar. (Harper

and Brothers. 6s.)—A tale of Indian "unrest," in which the element of fanaticism is prominent. —A Fool's Errand. By Anthony Hamilton. (Greening and Co. 68.)—A powerful picture of life on the West African coast. —Young Nick and Old Nick. By S. R. Crockett. (Stanley Paul and Co. Gs.)— Thirteen " Yarns for the Year's End." Good stories, the better the closer the writer keeps to his native heath.—Paul Musgrave. By Oswald Wildridge. (Ward, Lock, and Co. Gs.)—A good study of character. The two brothers, Richard and Paul, are well con- trasted, and Sarah Losh, too, is excellent.—Captain Fraser's Profession. By "John Strange Winter." (F. V. White and Co. 6s.)—The "profession" is swindling. The strong point of the story is the strange devotion of Peters.