10 SEPTEMBER 1910, Page 25

Golden Days in Many Lands. By Winifred H. Lays. (Methuen

and Co. lOs. 6d. net.)—Without doubt the " lands " in which Miss Leys experienced these "golden days" were many. First we hear of a voyage from Sydney, in which the nights, however, were not golden, for they had to be spent in the company of two quarrelsome old women. .After this we hear about Scotland, the

English Lakes, Ireland, Norway, the Danube and the Rhine, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Egypt. India, America, and the Pacific. As far as space is concerned, India (including Ceylon) occupies the pride of place, with Italy coming second. But all are treated with an impartial admiration. We cannot say that the book supplies an actual want ; perhaps it would be difficult to find anything that has not been said, in one way or another, before. Still, it makes pleasant reading. Very few can hope to follow in Miss Leys's steps from the beginning to the end, but evidently she is a traveller of the right sort.