10 SEPTEMBER 1954, Page 17

SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 239 Set by Edward Blishen In his

Directions to servants in General Swift advises the Footman: 'Take off the largest dishes and set them on with one hand ... but always do it between two kdies, that, if the dish happens to slip, the soup or sauce, may fell on their claw/is, and not daub the floor.' A prize of E5 is offered for a set of instructions, in a similar vein, to one of the following: a garage mechanic, a daily help, a shopkeeper, a barber, a house painter, a bus conductor, a dentist, or a jobbing gardener.

Entries, addressed 'Spectator CL,mpetition No. 239,' 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, must he received not later than September 21.

Results in the Spectator of October 1. •