10 SEPTEMBER 1954, Page 4


This year the daily Press has played down the Farnborough air show. A few years ago it was playing it up. When is it going to get it right ? Even despite the disappointment that the English Electric PI will not be seen in the air, and the tantalising news that the Rolls Royce experimental vehicle, which flies vertically, is not for Farnborough, there is still plenty there to inspire interest and enthusiasm. The Folland Midge alone, whose main features were outlined by Oliver Stewart in last week's Spectator, would make this show a memorable one, if only because the. majority of the spectators at Farnborough are British taxpayers, who pay for all the military aircraft produced here. For the Midge, which is the prototype of a light fighter to be called the Gnat, is remarkably cheap to pro- duce. And a cheaply produced military aircraft is a revolution in itself.