10 SEPTEMBER 1983, Page 19

Seeing double

Sir: I recently discovered that besides writing his unremarkable Low life column in your journal, Jeffrey Bernard is also being billed in Penthouse magazine as 'our authoritY on horses, booze and women'. In an article on his 'Old Flames' in the July issue of the latter publication, Mr Bernard gives an account of his various sexual exploits over the years. One of his 'old flames', we are told, was a 'delightful ex- nursing sister who'd taken to the vodka' and who, when asked 'how it was she first realised that she was an alcoholic said, "One day in casualty when a man came in suffering from eczma and I accidentally sprayed his face with vaginal deodorant" ' (pp 90-91). Mr Bernard then goes on to describe the mechanics of his relationship with the said lady. Barely a month later, the same tired anecdote reappears in a slightly different form in the Low life column (27 August). This time it is an alcoholic doctor who does the spraying.

Maybe Mr Bernard should give up his dipsomanic excesses before further damage is done to his memory. Or Perhaps he had just better sober up to the fact that the two journals for which he writes do not have mutually exclusive readerships.

Derek Corringham

3 Lexham Court, Stonehill Road, London SWI4