11 APRIL 1835, Page 10



It is understood that Lord MELEOURNE has received the King's commands to form a Alinistry. We trust that his Lordship will not be unmindful of the deceit that was practised on him by the Court last summer. He was then engaged for the purpose of carrying on the Government for a few months, until it should suit the Tories to dis- place him. It may now be intended to use him fin- a similar end. It is necessary that " this horrid Irish question" should be disposed of : when the difficulty is got over, another effort may be made by the Court faction to regain its ascendancy in Parliament, and Lord NIEr.nounNE again be turned out, to make way for PEEL, STANLEY, and all that can be got assembled together to form a Government of Resistance. No one can deny that this may be the tactic of the Court. It therefore behoves Lord MELBOURNE to be wary—to insist upon securities—to select such colleagues as he can cooperate with heartily, and to exclude none, because they are disliked at Court, who are popular in the country and influential in Parliament. By acting on this principle, and spurning coalition with secret foes, be may construct a Ministry that will last; and baffle the plots laid for his discomfiture and disgrace by Royal and Illegitimate intriguers of both sexes, who are striving to do the work of the Tories by misleading the King.