11 APRIL 1846, Page 5


THE Queen, Prince Albert, and the children, left Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, for Windsor Castle, for the Easter holydays.

Her Majesty and Prince Albert dined with the Queen Dowager at Marl- borough House on Saturday. The Dutchesses of Kent and Gloucester were of the party.

Mr. W. E. Gladstone dined on Monday, and the Earl of Aberdeen on Tuesday, at Buckingham Palace.

On Sunday the Queen Dowager was visited by the Dutchess of Kent, and on Monday by the Dutchess of Gloucester; on Tuesday the Dutchess of Kent repeated her visit.

The Royal charities peculiar to the season were distributed during the week. On Monday and Tuesday nine hundred and fifty poor and aged persons received five shillings each. The Royal gate-alms of thirteen shillings were paid to one hundred and sixty-eight persons, being a con- solidated payment of sixpence per week for six months. On Thursday, the anniversary of the Maundy, the bounty was distributed in the interior of Whitehall Chapel, with the usual ceremonials. Anthems were sung by the choir of the Chapel Royal between the distribution of each class of alms.

Divine service was performed yesterday in the private chapel of Windsor Castle, The Queen and Prince Albert attended the afternoon service.