11 APRIL 1868, Page 3

Mr. W. V. Harcourt, the arbitrator in the suit brought

by Madame d'Alteyrac against Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, has published his decision, which is of course very clear, and equally of course written in a tone which suggests that Mr. Harcourt believes in the verbal inspiration of his decisions. He awards to Madame d'Alteyrac an annuity of 1001. a month for life, and a sum of 5,0001. down, basing his calculation on the sums origi- nally offered by his lordship, but subsequently withdrawn. The Pall Mall Gazette publishes a note on the affair remonstrating against the award, and heads it "profitable adultery;" but surely that argument, whatever its truth, does not lie in Lord Wil- loughby's mouth.