11 APRIL 1903, Page 1


KING EDWARD left Lisbon on the 7th inst., after a most successful visit. The Portuguese are evidently delighted at his cordiality, and the references made in his • short but well-worded speeches to the long " alliance " between the two kingdoms. He proceeded to Gibraltar, where he had a great reception, and will visit Malta, returning through France, where he will visit President Loubet, and will be officially entertained in Paris. A strong squadron of battleships has been sent by the Admiralty to Tangier to do honour to the French President when he touches there in his tour, and it is even reported on fairly good authority that M. Loubet will in the late summer pay a State visit to London. We hope the report is well founded. The President is sure of a magnificent reception, and however the philosopher may despise these Royal or semi-Royal visits, it seems certain that they do touch the imagination of the masses, and diffuse through them a feeling of friendliness which, if statesmen are also friendly, facilitates their task. The guest whom your servants like is sure to be the guest whom it is easiest to get along with.