11 APRIL 1903, Page 3

Mr. Balfour's statements have been naturally greeted with the utmost

satisfaction in Berlin. But the 1Vationo2 Zeitung, in an apparently inspired editorial, admits that although the Anatolian Railway is not "exclusively a German under- taking," German capital has the principal interest in the project. We may also note, a propos of the attitude of the German Press, that a, semi-official communigui in the Sucideutsehm Reichscorrespondenz ventures to predict that on the occasion of King Edward's visit to President Loubet in Paris—now fixed for May lst—there will be a " paroxysm " of sentiment in a section of the British Press in favour of an offensive and defensive alliance with France against Germany, on which the Times correspondent in Berlin pertinently comments that if there are people prepared to advocate such an alliance, German Anglophobia is chiefly responsible for their existence.