11 APRIL 1914, Page 15


[To Tar Evrroa or riri "Bracmor."]

SIR,—Strange things happen. The present crisis has furnished the Liberal Party with a new rallying my, "Let us democratize the Army!" It is a good cry, and we should welcome it with all our hearts. The Army will be democratic when, and only when, every citizen, rich and poor, without distinction, shall be required to serve within its ranks. Surely this is Lord Roberts's opportunity. Will Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and the Radical extremists demonstrate their sincerity by putting themselves in line with him, and seeing that his plans are

carried to success P—I am, Sir, 8te., D. G. B.

[Exactly. The Swiss Army is the most democratic: in the world, and this is the kind of Army we desire to see established for home defence. But the aristocracy of Labour, being a minority, like all aristocracies, do not at all want this kind of Army. They want a servile or Janissary Army. Therefore they are determined not to let us have universal service on the Swiss model, though they will talk their fill about a democratic Army.—En. Spectator.]