11 APRIL 1914, Page 17


[To THE Eurros Or THE ..SFECT11202.1 SIR,—At the forthcoming International Book Trade Exhibi- tion at Leipzig this summer, a section of the British depart- ment will be devoted to a national loan exhibit of illustrated and children's books. It has not been difficult to arrange the snore general portion of this historical exhibit; but the sub. section'dealing with children's books before 1820, with which I have the honour to be entrusted, has a few gaps which it is very desirable to fill, though private collectors have kindly contributed enough to form a representative exhibit. May I beg the hospitality of your columns to ask if any of your readers know of, and can lend (for six months or so), copies of the works on the enclosed list? Probably few copies of these books exist, and I know of no other means than this of dis- covering their whereabouts. The Exhibition Branch of the Board of Trade (which has Bole control of the British section) will take full charge of any books lent, and pay all carriage and insurance. Acknowledgment of any loans will be made in the Exhibition catalogue. Books should be sent to the Board of Trade; but I should be glad if lenders would first

communicate with me. Only those books and those editions named are required.—I am, Sir, &c.,


3 and 4 Paternoster Buildings, RC.

Winter Evening Entertainments. By Richard Burton (i.e.,. Nathaniel Crouch). With woodcuts. 1737, or any earlier edition.

The Father's Blessing Penn'd for the Instruction of his Childress. By W. J., MA. (Early eighteenth century.) With woodcuts. A Little Book for Little Children. By Thomas White. The edition, undated, with Queen Anne's portrait for frontispiece.

Any translation of Perrault's or Mme. D'Aulnoy's fairy tales' published before 1750.

The Parent's Assistant (1796) and Moral Tales (1801). By Maria Edgeworth. Sandford and Merton. By Thomas Day. Vol. I., 1783; Vol. II., 1786; Vol. III., 1789.

The Fairchild Family. By Mrs. Sherwood. Part I., 1818. Grimm's German Popular Stories. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 1826.