11 APRIL 1925, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sm,—You may be interested to hear of the birth of a new theatrical project in Leeds—devoted to the presentation of an intelligent drama. It is to be called the Leeds Civic 'Theatre, and has the support of many of the leading citizens. Except for definite technical work, its service will be voluntary. Its great departure from existing efforts is that admission will be free, and expenses defrayed by collections. It is felt that the performances of " little theatres " on a subscription basis, or with necessarily restricted audiences, are in danger of becoming unrepresentative in character. This is a bold attempt to prove that appreciation of standard dramatic literature would be more general, given the opportunity of witnessing it. Five productions will be given during the winter months, and it is hoped to get five thousand people to attend each.

The Director of the Civic Theatre is Mr. Chas. F. Smith, who was directly responsible for the , introduction to Leeds of the Hoffmansthal mystery play, The Great World Theatre, which aroused so much interest. The producer to the Leeds Civic Theatre is to be Mr. J. R. Gregson, the author of the Yorkshire plays, Marsden and Young 'meson, and himself an actor and producer of considerable experience. The programme for the first season is not yet fixed, but Oedipus Rex, Everyman, The Machine Wreckers, and some modern comedies, including a new play by Mr. Gregson, are under 22 New York Street, Leads. (Hon. Secretary).