11 APRIL 1931, Page 16


National Mark produce is appearing in continually greater quantity and new forms of produce come under its aegis (an ill-used word that, however, in this reference is accurately descriptive). The latest co-operators are the National Pig Breeders' Association. Since we import 68 per cent. of our

" pig produce " at a cost of tens of millions of pounds—chiefly from Denmark—it is obvious that a great opportunity lies before the home farmer if the home consumer shall come to appre- ciate the guarantee of the National Mark. Its popularity advances steadily, though not at a gallop. Tomatoes, cucum.

bers, strawberries and other fruits, peas, beans, eggs, poultry, flour (made entirely from homegrown wheat), malt flour and

malt extract, and beef are all available under the cachet of the National Mark and often in specially handy forms of parcel or packing. Pig products are to come next, and thereafter cheese and just possibly cider.

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