11 APRIL 1952, Page 16


Set by D. R. Peddy Dr. Mont Follick, M.P., recently managed to transform a debate on the Naval Estimates into one on spelling reform. Members unsuccessful in the ballot might well follow his example. A prize of £5, which may be divided, is offered for an extract (not more than 250 words) from a speech in a Parliamentary debate by a Member who is trying to make one of the following changes of subject : capital punishment to propor- tional representation ; atomic energy to the price of nylons ; prison reform to Federal Union ; Colonial affairs to road safety ; cattle- breeding to divorce.

Entries must be addressed to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, in envelopes marked" Competition," and must be received not later than April 18th. Results will be published in the Spectator of May 2nd.