11 APRIL 1952, Page 30

THE "SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 673 IA Book Token for one

guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, April 22nd, addressed Crossword. 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2-1d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be puble,hed in the following issue.]


I. The heart of Poe. (8.)

5. Joke spoken in French. (6.) 9. A fellow get..4 to look old-fashioned. (8.) 10. Queer little Mary in a boat. (6.) 12. Daisy has that bovine look. 4.) 13. Lune crop. (Anag.) (8.)

15. It's green mixture after the bell. (12.) 18. In chocolate I supplant nothing in crazy surroundings. (12.) 23, 25. His were not, however, bathing beauties. (3, 5. 4.)

24. Kittiwake seems to have done its work. What sauce 1 (6.) 26. They should blossom on flag days. (6.) 27. Must we be in front of the clock to do this ? (4, 4.) 28. Chet's cousins. (6.)

29. The hair of Poe's Helen. (8.)


1. She'll disclose Dr. Spooner's tog bomb. (6.)

2. Fifty might reign if they would wait.


3. Contraption for a darin,g young man.


4. Right of Niel. (4.)

6. The wrong man in the right Place. (7.)

7. 9 in man's absence on the line. (4. 4.) 8. Turn the mat and take a chance. (8.) 1 . They seem to have been simply poison- ous. (7.)

14. The gardener's mistake or the tailor's ? (7.) 16 It's first-rate at tennis. (8.) 17. The professional turns up in a descen- dant. (8.)

19. A freezing zone. (3, 4.)

20. It may be Subject to extension. (7.) 21. He might be discovered in an oasis. (6.) 22. "The Consul's brow was sad, And the Consul's - was low. (Macaulay.) 25. See 23. (4.)