11 AUGUST 1832, Page 12



COIISOIS closed ott Saturday, as they opened, at 8:11 to Z, truth Exchequer Bills at 13s. tO 16S. prem. Till, report of the Marquis of P.Nt-siFLLA',T, arrival, led, on NIonday, to a serious fall in Portognese Bonds and Serip ; but it seemed rather to be hailed as favourable in the English marliet, where there was a small • rise. There has been very little alteration tint-c. Consols dose to-day tit pre- cisely the same price as they did on Saturday, ;■nd in Est-heti tIer Bills there is no alteration. Portuguese Stock cent innes depressed ; hurt the depression ap• pears to be giving away : the last quotations were 4 to i.. eve ceet. discount, Scrip ; ard Bonds :AL, to 51 1. The instalments have all p1 up, excupt a small sum of :1,000/. The French Loan does nut seem to have excited touch in- terest i•1 the market; where, however, it bears a nominal premium of 1 per


CLOSING Bank Stock 200f IS 3 per Cent. lied. 841 I 3 per Cent. Consols S3g I Consols for Acct. t•,•31 3f per Cent. New 91f t LoneAnnnities16 11-16111si Ex. Bills, 10001. 15s. 16s. pin. India Bends 4s. 5s pm.

India Stock 201 205 PRICES OF Brazilian Chiller' Columbian Danish Greek Mexican Peruvian


Russian STOCKS ON FRIDAY.. 47Z 8 15 16 Ilf 12f

644- 69 Si 25

26 27

— 50f 94

99 100 Spanish Ditto New SHAKES Bolatios Brazilian Columbian Anglo Mexican United Mexican 131 14 191 13

54060 42710 f4 7b 8 9 3 3f SATURDAY, NOON.—Consols for the Account 831 Z.