11 AUGUST 1838, Page 11



alba Majesty's Ministers had their annual fish dinner at Black- icall on Wednesday." And a pleasant evening those great men

ed, we doubt not—baited by LOVEGROVE, not BROUGH Alf, and careless of COPLEY s carping. " Nune est bibendum!" cries the jovial Premier: the session is just over—six months of undis- turbed pay and pleasure in prospect—who would not be a minis- ter of state and a courtier of the Queen? And pity it is, that after a few brief months the returning sea- son must again break in upon the fun and frivolity, the pastime arelprodigality, of these fine fellows. Depend upon it, they no- where appear to such advantage as at the dinner-table. Eels, flounders, and white bait, turtle and venison, punch and cham- pagee,—these, and such like, are the matters they are well quali- fied to discuss. Why annoy them with politics ? Curs:, Canada, curse the Corporations, curse the Church questions ! Sink Due- twit and the Bermudas together,—dropping a tear to the memory of honest ANDREW LEITH HAI? !

Tempus erat dapibus, scala1es."

If our rulers were "rollicking" on Wednesday, surely they may be forgiven. Never had men more cause for gratitude. During the past session they have absolute.ly lost nothing—for character bad taken wings and departed long before. But office and its perquisites, which seemed to be going after his reputation, clung to the lucky Lord MELBOURNE. All parties resolved to "keep him in." In former sessions, he was so "superfluous" as to put himself to some little trouble in defending his measures; but now he has discovered that the less said on difficult questions, the more likely they are to be understood. Discussion is injurious as well as troublesome; and the Epicurean Premier, relying on his convenient philosophy, has net condescended even to explain a single leading measure of the session. He probably spoke oftener and more to the purpose while presiding at the Wednes- day's feast, than during the entire nine months in the House of Lords. It was not for needless relaxation, but the excitement of doing something, that he went to Blackwell. The whole party, as well as the Premier, might well be joyful. Not a single measure hate they carried in Parliament except with the scornful aid of opponents. The Colonies are discon- tented; the public expenditure is increasing; the revenue less productive than it has been for many years; the crops precarious ; the" masses" grumbling ; the men of the Midlands up. Never- theless, Ministers are mirthful ; and for this excellent reason— they are Ministers, and likely to remain so for six months at least!