11 AUGUST 1838, Page 8

There has been a good deal of conversation in Paris

respecting the sale of some forged papers, pretending to be important state-docu- ments, by a charlatan named Chaltas, to M. Fabricius, the Dutch Minister ad interini at the Court of Louis Philip. The papers were erricoeted in diplomatic style, and M. Fabricius was completely cheated by them. Tiny relate to a great variety of matters—the Spa- nish war, the Belgian question, the French occupation of Ancona, and the marriage of Queen Victoria. On the last point, the writer refers to n audience of Soult with the Queen of England. " In the course of that audience, the object of which was to recommend to the royal notice of the Queen the Duke de Nemours, he was happy to collect from the avowal of her Majesty that the Prince had made a favourable impres• sion. The Marshal suggests, however, ' in order to throw dust in the eyes of the English people,' and to mask the iirogress the Prince had made in the off!‘" Clout of her 3Iajesty, that the Duke be ordered to the camp of Luneville, with the understanding that he return to London to prosecute his suit immediately after that the camp shall break up. The Marshal's letter encloses one from the Dutchess of Kent, addressed to the King, expressive of her Royal Highness' approbation of the Duke de Nemours for a son-in.law, her sense of the honour it would he to herself that such an union were finmed, sanctioning the mar- riage, and anticipating from it strength and happiness for both countries."

Fahricitts has been recalled by his own Government, and Chaltas has been committed to prison.

The Frvnch are in great excitement at the arrival of five female Indian dancers, that menace to eclipse Taglioni and Fanny Eisler out. right. Sourideroirm and A many are the names of two of the damsels.

The first, says the Bordeaux Courier, " with fiery black eyes swimmirig in blue enamel." Aniney " is like a palm-tree, full of sweet-

Then there are Hamalingbam, and Saravanim, and Veyden ; nato-t,e f" o mention old Tile, who has vowed to bring back all these dam. ,,„1, pure as they came.. The French, from Bordeaux to Paris, nay f'ro" to Lisle to Marseilles, talk already of nothing but the five Soya-
