11 AUGUST 1838, Page 9

Mademoiselle Taglioni, after having performed for a few evenings at

Hamburg with her usual success, is gone to Doheran, a watering. place in the Grand Dutchy of Mecklenburg.

Mr. Steele, whose admirable bust of the Queen was noticed in the Spectator of July 21st, has received the honorary, and we believe new appointments of Sculptor to her Majesty for Scotland.

The Suabian Mercury, under the head of Vienna, says—" The ap- pearance of the Dutchess de Berri with her husband, and their short stay in the capital, have produced considerable sensation. It would teem that the Emperor of Austria, conjointly with the members of the elder branch of the Bourbons, in consideration of the distressed state in which they are, had resolved to assist them, but upon condition that the supplies should not be lavished on Legitimist partisatin in France, on whose activity they bad too much hitherto relied. Such a step may not unlikely silence more than one Legitimist journal in France." "There has been much talk made," says the Courrier Francais, "and especially in England, concerning the concession of a monopoly of the sulphur trade in the kingdom of Naples to a French company. The decree of his Sicilian Majesty, which stipulates the treaty of the monopoly in question, bears date 10th of July. The house of .T. Laf- fitte and Co. has been charged with the furnishing of the: funds re- quired for this operation at Naples, and M. Tain, of Marseilles, has been appointed director of the company."