11 AUGUST 1849, Page 9

Last night's Gazette contains an order of the Queen in

Council ratifying a scheme submitted by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, under their Par- liamentary authority, for the new-modelling of the patronage, Sec. of the benefice of Bishopwearmouth. The scheme states that the original income of the living, from tithe rent-charges, glebe-rents, and surplice-fees, ave- rages 1,6301. clear; and the income derived from way-leaves, staiths, and coal, averages 1,950/. The yearly sum of 2001. was charged on the first of these sums, for a stipend to the perpetual curacy of St. Thomas, and 100/. yearly towards the chapelry of Ryhope. There are no endowments for the perpetual curacy of St. Andrew's Deptford, or for the chapel of Hylton; and there is not even] a residence for the cu- rate or minister of Deptford or Hylton. The present incumbent of Bishop- wearmouth, the Reverend John Patrick Eden, has desired to yield the whole of the 1,950/., derived from the coal-rents, &c.; and proposes to re- tain only the original revenue of 1,630/., subject to the charges of 2001. and 1001. for St. Thomas's and Hylton. The order in Council ratifies the recommendation of the Commissioners, that this revenue be henceforth paid to the Commissioners, and be charged in their hands with endow- ments of 3001. a year for the curacy of St. Thomas, 2001. a year for the chapelry of Ryhope, 350/. for the curacy of St. Andrew's Deptford, and 2001. for the chapelry of Hylton. If the revenue fall below the total of these sums, each endowment shall be proportionately abated; if it exceed them, the surplus shall go towards building residences, or endowing Dew churches, &c.

A large meeting, "entirely the result of the spontaneous feeling of the inhabitants" of Northampton, was held in that town yesterday, under the presidency of the Mayor, to further the aims of the Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association. Mr. George Thompson, M.P., was one of the speakers. Resolutions embodying the objects of the meeting passed unanimously.