11 AUGUST 1855, Page 19



Woman's .Devotion ; a Novel. In three volumes. Love versus Money ; a Novel. In two volumes.

On the Smokeless Fire-place, Chimney-Valves, and other Means, Old and New, of obtaining Healthful Warmth and Ventilation. By Neil Arnett, M.D., F.R.S., &c. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen ; Author of "The Element.; of Physic," &c.

The Battle-Day, and other P00718. By Ernest Jones, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law.

Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages : Notes of a Tour in the North of Italy. By George Edmund Street, Architect, F.S.A. Copiously Il- lustrated.

[Mr. Street is an architect enthusiastic in his profession, and a believer in • Ruakin—a conjunction which, while it pretty clearly indicates the character of his book, implies also its value and faithfulness. It is the result of a tour made in the year before last, through Paris, Bale, and Switzerland, to Italy, the study of the author having been previously confined to the architecture of the Northern nations • nor do his travels in the present instance reach as far South as Central Italy. As for Renaissance work he would have us forget it entirely ; slid he looks hopefully and sensibly to the possible future of Gothic. Together with the more general range of criticism, Mr. Street takes special note, as his title implies, of the materials used in the works brought under notice,—their appropriateness in individual cases, and adaptability for the purposes of our own day.

In an architectural sense, the book is a book of detail; the principles exist -in the author's mind, but come out rather in their application, or through the illustration of examples, than in direct statement. There is something more, however, than the architecture ; the course of the tour is strictly fol- lowed, with a sprinkling of personal adventure, description of scenery, and Use like. This scarcely improves the work, as Mr. Street's powers of narra- tive and word-painting do not transcend the magazine-article standard, and the introduction of such topics induces a certain gossiping tone extraneous to the main object. However' the book is replete with study, information, and refined artistic feeling. The illustrations—wood-cuts, lithographs, and anastatic—are sufficient for their purpose, though notdietinguished by beauty or vigour of style.] The End of the World; or the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour ' Jesus Christ. By the Very Reverend John Baptist Pagani. [A Romanist treatise on Antichrist, Babylon, and the fulfilment of the pro- phecies of the Apocalypse by the second coming of Christ. In the author's opinion, Mahomet is Antichrist, and his continuous argument on that point is clear and cogent, if not very new. Bab3lon is of course not Rome, as Protestants maintain. The Reverend J. B. Pagani is not certain whether it is Constantinople or London, or whether the city is even yet in existence ; but he draws a picture of what Babylon must be, which is very like the Bri- tish metropolis. He infers that the time of the "second coming" is near at hand, not only from his chronological interpretation of prophecy, but from the religious and moral degeneracy everywhere to be found. The events which are to accompany this coming, as the burning of the earth, the bind- ing of Satan, the reign of the thousand years, are touched upon more pro- blematically than the previous topics. It is a curious book.] The Married Life of .Rachel Lady Russell. By M. Guizot. Translated from the French. [A translation of a paper of Guizoes which lately appeared in the Revue des .Deux Honda on the family connexions and life of the celebrated Lady Russell. It is characterized by knowledge of the subject, as well as by the author's power of generalization and perception of the principles which are contained in a life or its actions. The applications of these principles are rather forced ; compared with the brilliancy of Macaulay's essays, this ar- ticle of Guizot reads rather flatly. Something of this flatness, however, may be owing to the subject. Except the trial and death of her husband, Lady Russell's life was uneventful, and beyond a certain rigidity, her character was not remarkable. She was a highly respectable English lady in every point of view ; but it was her eufferings under peculiar circumstance.", rather than any distinguished mental qualities, which rendered her histori- cally prominent.] Revelations of a Poor Curate. By the Reverend W. Wickenden, B.A., the Anglo-Circassian, Author of "Frank Ogilby," &c. .

[This volume purports to be the autobiography of a farmer's youngest son, placed in the Church by his mother's partiality, against the better judgment of his father; since the family had neither interest nor spare means. The son, moreover, did not appear to have much vocation for the Church, either spiritually or intellectually. The college career of the Poor Curate, and his rustic pictures of a remote village, have a truthful air. His own struggles, both as curate and after he was compelled to resign his parish and come to London as a clerical adventurer, may be "founded on fact," but they are too special for any general conclusion to be drawn from them. A large portion of the book consists of an interpolation called "Leaves from the Diary of a Bishop," and exhibits the career and character of the pi elate ea darkly as need be.]

Parables from Nature. By Mrs. Alfred Getty, Author of "The Fairy Godmothers."

[These Parables aim at pointing some religious or moral lesson from facts in natural history,—as the immortality of the soul from the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly. They are elegantly but rather too ver- bosely written ; the lessons are somewhat forced.]

Virgilii Carmina. Eneidos Libri at Georgica. (Chambers's Edueational Course—Classical &titian.)

[Completes Messrs. Chambers's " Educational " edition of Virgil with Eng- lish notes.] •

The week has produced reprints of• three poets whose attraction in extenso we should have thought had ceased ; though the publishers of each doubt- less understand the public taste as shown in demand. Messrs. Routledge send forth in a single volume the works of Akenside and of Dyer, edited by Mr. Aria Willmott. In addition to original and selected notes, Mr. Will- mon has given elite of each poet. In that of Akenside he does not add many new facts ; but he well brings out the temper and pomposity of the p'dt t when practising as a physician, which go far to explain his want of success. Family papers placed at Mr. Willmotes disposal enable him to give a more complete biography of Dyer than has yet appeared, and to add from the manuscripts some additional pieces. Mr. Nichol of Edinburgh has published the whole of the "Poetical Works" of Bowles in two octavo volumes, with a memoir and criticism by Mr. Gilfillan. The memoir is somewhat curt: the poet's Scenes and Sha- dows of Days Departed would of itself have furnished the materialsfor a fuller life ; and if it were worth while to have all the poems, it was worth while to have all the biography. The criticism on Bowles as a poet is just. Whether he is entitled to be rated as the "first poet" of the modern school may be doubted ; but the idea furnishes Mr. Gilfillan with a starting-point to compare the school of what has been called the Augustan age of }=glish literature wjth that of the last and present generations.

Of the other new editions VC is only needful to observe that the volume of Mime, Smollett, and Hughes's "England" comes down to the death of George the Fourth.

• The Poetical Works of Mark Akenside and John Dyer. Edited by the Reverend Robert Aria Willmott, Incumbent of Bear Wood. Il- lustrated by Birket Foster.

The Poetical Works of 'Valiant Lisle Bowles, Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, and Rector of Brembill. With Memoir Critical Disserta- tion, and Explanatory Notes, by the Reverend George Gilfillan. In two volumes.

The History of England. By Hume and Smollett. With the Conti- nuation' by the Reverend T. S. Hughes, B.D., late Canon of Peter- borough. Volume _XVII.

The Stomach and its Difficulties. By Sir James Eyre, M.D., Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London, &c. ; Author of "Prac- tical Remarks on some Exhausting Diseases." Third edition.

First Steps in the Physical and Classical Geography of the Ancient World. By James Pillans, Professor of Humanity in the University of Edinburgh. Second edition.


The Merchant's Magazine, Statist, and Commercial Review. No. I. August 1855. [A new series' not a new magazine. Its most elaborate article is a paper on the principles and actual practice of banking, in part suggested by the late failure of Strahan and Paul. There is also a descriptive account of Siam, prompted by Sir John Bowring's new treaty. The othrr papers are of a more business kind—reports of mercantile law, prices, statistics, &c.]


Esguisse saw le Canada, r.onsid6n6 sons le Sixth Report of the Eastern Archipelago point de yea Economiste. Par; C. Company. With Appendix. 'Pach6, Alembre du Parlement Cana- Gilbert's Official Guide to the New New- dien, et Commissaire du Canada 0 l'Ex- paper and Book Acts and Warrants. position Uniserselle. Publid par ordre Second edition. du ComitG Executif charge de l'Expo- The Ninth Report of the Associate Inati- sition Canadienne siCiaant 0 Quebec. tat ion for Improving and Enforcing the Laws/or the Protection of Women.