11 AUGUST 1855, Page 7

,fortign Ruh Colonial.

Fuswcw.—Paris is now full of English, and great preparations are in progress for the reception of the Queen. It is believed that the National. Guard will be under arms, and everything done to make an imposing display. The Constitutionnel has published a copy of a report recently seized at the house of General Elio, and addressed by him to the Count of Monte- molin. It has produced some sensation in Paris, as it involves the French Legitimists in a negotiation with Russia to raise funds for a Car- list revolution. Elio's report is dated London, November 24, 1854. It purports to give an account of an interview between a well-known French Legitimist, the Marquis d'Esears, and Prince Gortschakoffi at Vienna. D'Escars called to deliver a letter from Montemolin to the Em- peror. Prince Gortschakoff says he is ignorant of the whole affair; and receives the letter as "an act of courtesy." D'Escars presumes it con- firms negotiations begun by the Count de Chambord, and shows the ad.. vantages Russia might derive from a diversion in Spain. He asks for money—six or seven millions. Prince Gortschakoff is very diplomatic ; has no instructions; says that Russia needs all her resources ; but does not positively deny that some negotiations may have been entered into between the Emperor of Russia and the Legitimists. The paper also in- volves the names of the Duke de Levis and M. Chapet. These two gen- tlemen have since written to the journals denying all knowledge of the alleged intrigues with Russia ; and the Constitutionnel repeats that the report is authentic and in Elio's handwriting. The Marquis d'Escars has also written to the journals. He admits that he carried a letter from the Count of Montemohn to Prince Gortscha- koff when he visited Vienna on business connected with Madame d'Esears, the daughter of M. de Lebeltzern. He says he took a "non-official" part in the matter, and protests against the intentions attributed to him. Among the papers seized at Elio's house is a letter to himself from the Count of Montemolin, in which the latter says—" Cabrera will tell you when you see him what we think can be got out of Russia." An Imperial decree places the army in the Crimea on the same footing as the army in Algeria. Hitherto the service of troops employed out of Europe has been reckoned at twice its actual duration. The Crimea is in Europe ; and thus the Algerian army enjoyed a privilege which the men in front of the enemy did not share. Henceforth service in the East will be counted, in the calculation of campaigns, at twice its actual duration.

A large number of prisoners, who belonged to a secret society, and were conspiring to bring about a democratic and social republic, have been found guilty by the Correctional Tribunal of Paris, and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment, from ten years to one.

the-reperits of the day is that of the oft-repeated "change for the better" now affirmed to have taken place in.the relations between Austria and the *Western Powers. The story on which it is founded is at least a curiosity; The Paris correspondent of-the Times tells, it on the usual "excellent authority." According to this statement, #4 'said that Count Buol asked Baron de Bourqueuey whether France atill oensidered herself bound by the treaty of December 2.

"The question was accompanied by the most positive declarations that

Austria regarded herself as being as much bound as ever by that instrument, that she was still the ally of France and England, that slie held and should hold the Danubian Principalities, but only as against Russia, and should resist any attempt on the part of that Power to invade or commit any act of hostility against the Ottoman territory in that quarter. It is true that in the present state of the war, confined as itsr theatre by land was to the Crimea; there were considerations of a paramount kind,—not, however, relating to any regard for Russia,—which prevented her for the present from hommencing hostilities, but that when the proper moment arrived she should not hesitate to join the Allies; and to fulfil the obligations she had voltut- tarily contracted, and means faithfully to fulfil." These "spontaneous assurancea" were transmitted to Paris and Lon- don, and although at first they awakened doubts in the minds of Leta Palmerston and the Emperor Napoleon, -yet both those personages, we are told, finally arrived at a conclusion that Austria is sincere. It appears that when Count Buol put the question to Baron-de Bourqueney, Prince Crinteehakoff was at Stuttgatit,- confident of the triumph of his policy. When he returned to Vienna he found that "all wag completely changed, and he expressed- his disappointment and indignation in no measured terms." Another story is still more doubtful—

"At a very recent audience which Prineetiortschakoff had of the Emperor ,Iriertriehe did, his utmost to obtain from his Majesty the formal aeeept- ance ef an eagagement from Russia' that 'she would not attack theDanubian Principalities so long as the Austrians continued to Occupy- them: • The Prince at once wrote off to St. Petersburg, to say that the Emperor had accepted the engagement, and subsequently stated so to M. -de Buol. IL de Buol unhesitatingly and bluntly told the Prince that he didrnot credit the statement, and requested him to repeat it lathe presence of theEraperer himself. The Prince did so, when the Emperor, in the most positive tenni., contradicted the Prince—or himself. Who shall say ?"

- It is reported in mercantile circles at Berlin that negotiations are on 'bet to do away with the customhouses' between Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

ITALY.—It is stated that the French Ambassador at Rome, acting tinder the orders of the Emperor, had represented to the Papal Govern- ment the indispensable necessity of remedying by reforms the disorders -2that-prevail in the %mien States. Two Congregations had been held to consider the .matter, and in the end had refused to yield to the represent- ations of the Ambassador. The secularization of the Government was the main pqint urged by M. de Rapieval. _ , The state of Naples has challenged notice from many quarters. One of the usual Neapolitan state ceremonials on the arrival of a royal personage is to sweep the streets, and imprison the beggars. This was done on the visit -of the King of Portugal; and when he departed the beggars again swarmed rerth. Although the administration of general affairs shows small signs • of life, the department of Police is in incessant activity ; now looking 'after the shape of hats and the trim of beards—cutting off the latter by main force on occasion—nod now establishing a "Commission of.the .33sitinado" for the behoof of suspected persons. A merohant hlaples -who was guilty of some disrespectful observations upon the Polioe and of resisting its agents—an offence for which the severest sentence in any other country would }mire been forty-eight hours' imprisonment—was sentenced by the aforesaid commission to, receive "100 Slows from a stick."

On the 22d July, De Cesare, late Deputy to the Neapolitan Parliament, died, and a crowd of friends publicly attended his funeral. . The Police were furious. The canon who read the service, and severalnoblemen and gentlemen who followed the coffin, were banished from Naples, and others from their estates. The punishmenti of the stick is in vigorous operation.

- 'The present," says a correspondent of the Times, "is a time in which the most savage and brutal excesses are committed ; the common humanities of life are violated, the privacy of families invaded ; men are treated like ;beasts, imprisoned, flogged, and knocked down in the street, whence they are hurried off to a hospital and thence to prison, and my great fear is that the people may be goaded into acts which the more prudent do all in their power to prevent I sometimes ask myself, too, are the Police authorities -secret enemies of the King, attempting to undermine his power ? If so, they, are doing their bidding well." It is the fashion of the Police to associate the name of the King and the Virgin, and to style the former " Nostro unico ed assoluto Padrone." A letter from Vienna in the Journal of Fratilfort says-

' "Some journals have pretended that the political troubles in the kingdom of Naples are such that the Austrian Government has prepared an interven- lion, and has equipped a fleet for that purpose at Trieste. This is a great exaggeration. Our Government condemns, as does all Europe, the unfortu- nate proveedings of the Neapolitan Ministry ; but it has confined itself to ad- sizing the Government of Naples, through the diplomatic channel, of the eonsequences which may follow the errors of the Idinistry. It is a sort of diplomatic warning which Austria has addressed to the Court of Naples; and the state of the country does not necessitate any other measures."

The Neapolitan Minister in Paris demanded that the anstitutionnel, the Pays' and the Patric, should be "warned" for the remarks they have made on the barbarities committed by his Sicilian Majesty's Minister of 'Police. The request was, of course, rejected.

.• A telegraphic despatch from Turin, dated Thursday, states that "General William Pepe is dead."

SPallt.—The chief news from Madrid is that the Spanish Government has joined the Western Powers, and that a Spanish contingent will make its appearance in the Crimea. Towards the close of July, General O'Donnell visited the Queen at the Escurial, and remained with her 'Majesty two days. He returned to Madrid on the 1st August ; a Cabinet Council was immediately held ; and it was decided that Spain should enter into a defensive and offensive alliance with England, France, and Turkey, and contribute 26,000 men towards carrying on the war. The expeditionary force, it is said, will be placed under the command of General Prim. The Western Powers have engaged to support the Spanish Government in every way against its enemies.

' Franchi, the Papal Nuncio on leaving Madrid lodged a note with the Government alleging that he was compelled to depart because the concor-

dat was violated. In reply,.. the Spanish Government:has addressed.* menionindritri to the Catholic Powers, showing thatSpaM.inofie theless. Catholic because she is tolerant ; and that the concordat has really been violated bytheSpanish prelates, but that the Government, by depriving the-Church of " real property," which cannot he hod in mgetmain, is carrying out that instrument After all; only mundane and,ineterial„in:i threats arëin queStion. -pays' her clergy -179,915,173,egals,,,, nually ; and in return the HolY See dresses up., these charges "against the

Government. ' •

TEE Canria:-,-The intelligent* from the seat of war reaches to the 7th August. On that day, General Pelissier telegraphed to hi S GOVern- thent that he had •" nothing of interest to communicate. The-,enemy has notrindertaken 'anything against our 'trenches. . Some .cases of ehelera have rea:ppeoireff!' General Simpson, writing on the 28th July, .says that the enerrircontinued to. Strengthen his works-, and convey •atores from the North to the South side ; and that the -Allies were strengthening and improving their, advanced works. • The private letters. and despatches bring down the information-lb-the 28th July. From these itappeers that Ireavy.hatterie,s were in Con'reeeif construction not, only in- front of the Malakoff' and Raab; but also on the QuarazitineDgy.- The latter are armed " withaguns of the largest calibre, and are destined to force. the Russian fleet to take refuge behind Fort Catherine, :the sole place where' they :Atilt-he :unable-tee *OR p." Writing orithe.27th July, the correspondent of Daily .Yeuis NiyAtr-- ,), "The French. have withstood the brunt of two -assaults on their pee- '8 in 'front of•the Malakoff. Their advanced trench is now wit.We) paces of thecountersearpot that work, and the Riurilantevidentty siR their gatningaToetiag Ow, as they are at prelieet Oicerilet in throwing up a cavalier work in rear-of the fortner-pa etythfie n- able them to make a more protracted defence, but it will also cranlliffit movements, and yireveite ' theni"reptacing their guns and, repairing their

works, as they'eould Moreoffeetuatly do were their-space Jess equalled. ,..fit is a more direct advantage 'to us, 'the event of our, taking, the onteg

'work, this new parapet will afforetus good cover from the 4re 441)e stave, aud prevent us from suffering so severely while endeavouring to.ferna,iesidii. Those: who haveiseen the rear works of the. Malakoff from. cur,.4149 outside, say that the form is somewhet. heart-shaped ; the tweielniseirenlar -portions are facing the besiegers, iiiktlie-sides are formed 'en'aiediaillere;" '-a0 as to secure a flanking' fife along -the'whole front and fianks.• . Two in- trenchmente are drawn Within .it; lint although such sieges as those,of ',Saragossa and Silistria warn' us thrittown must not necessarily fall with 'it e outworks, or regular &knees; vet, if 'the Allies once. succeed in intro- during thOuriand men within the fortifications of either the Medan orBound

Toter, the fate of this Armageddon-is sealed." • . • It is also infhrred that disease must be raging violently svithiti.Sebas-

-topol,• because the burial-ground on the North side "is assuming a won- derful magnitude." "We can 'plainly see," says a writer from the camp, "'the Russian fatigue-parties arriving, every morning on the ground, and, having piled their arms and hung their • accoutrements on them, proceed to dig a series of pits for the reception of their dead.—Ale burying- ground israpidly filling all the plain lying on the North„eide between the cliffs and the sea,-wkiere none existed (visibly); beforelthe ./nentlt of April last" • . Some apprehension was. felt in the camp respecting the supply ot *trier ; but altboughit-seems certain that considerable inconyeinenen,will he ex-- -pelienced, - it is notthoughtprobable that it will be serionS, , Many reforins,".says the correspondent of the Deity ireteit;,'r 141;e-taken place in the interior. economy of our, routine slate the Change at Gin- head= quarters ; :the-yet:ye universal satisfrietion. The trenchrdeges are now taken by divisions, which predents a dellof 4rouble•, in the event of casualties the 'senior officers can be discovered Without difficulty, and the command handed over to theProper perion without 'requiring the aiffof an Army List. The 'whole of the attack is. placed under the command, of the Generalof the attack, -Who deaf-era-his orders to all employed: Formerly the Artillery was only -under the control of its own chief, and received the orders from him alone. ,The inconvenience from this arrangement has only now been rectified. Oar new Commander-in-chief seems .,determined to view all .thinge for himself, and will take. .nothing on hearsay. Ile was nearly taken as a spy by some Soldier ignorant of his rank not long since, as the latter could not understand what business an officer in a very shabby uniform, and without any attend- ants; had iri promenading through the most advanced and exposed trenches, looking into the magazines, taking the -directions of the mortar-batteries, Ind Making himself master of the whole plan of our attack."

The 'covering army maintainsits positions in the valley of Balder And on the Tchernaya. Moved by'the statements of deserters that .a large Russian force bad arrived, and that an attack would be made on the posi- tion of the Allies in the field, the French and English Commanders had visited the troops on the Tcbernaya,_and the French and Sardinian light troops executed reconnaissances towards Chulia and Mackenzie's Farm.. They found no enemy. It is remarked, however, that the' Russians were repairing the roads and that their outposts were just above Traktir.

The health of the British army continues to be good. - The casualties from the 20th to the '26th. July inelusive, were 30 men killed, and one Officer and 200 men wininded. • The officer was Lieutenant James 'Paton, of the 4th. Foot.

The intelligence relating to the Sea of Azoff, received from Yenikale, is all conjectural. There are seven steamers in that sea ; two watching Genitchi and the Tongue of Arabat ; the rest cruising about. It is stated that an English boat has been lost off Berdiansk by getting ashore but that the crew were saved. It is surmised that two of the vessels had gone into the Putrid Sea, but the statement is not authenticated. On the 18th July, the garrison of Kerteh made a successful foray into the interior, arid captured 600 head of cattle. • Our readers will remember that one of the most lamented officers who fell on the 18th Juno was Lieutenant-Colonel Shadforth of the Fifty- seventh Regiment. A very interesting letter from the Acting Sergeant- Major of the regiment to Mrs. Shadforth has been published, and shows how the late Colonel was beloved by his men.

"Camp before Sebastopol, July 14.

" Madam—I trust you will pardon me for presuming to address you..whiLe. in the midst of such distress, but I consider it my duty to convey to youthe deep regret of the non-commissioned officers and men of the regiment at the

loss of our late Colonel. Ile was our father and friend, and watchedover . . the regiment and its wants in a manner that gained for him' the adoration of his men ; and never did I see more genuine grief among a belly of Men than what was seen in the Fifty-seventh Regiment for the poor Colonel, and the memory of his many acts of kindness, of his unflinching courage at the head of his own Die-hard;' and of his glorious death, will long be a theme in the Fifty-seventh Regiment.

"Such are the feelings of the men of the regiment—they have lost their best friend ; but I have lost, if possible, more than any of them, for I never ex- perienced such kindness as he invariably showed to me and my welfare. He lost no opportunity in advancing me in my profession, and not only did he look after my temporal, but my spiritual welfare, and if ever a man died a Christian he did. "I spoke to him a few minutes before he fell ; the last words I heard him say were, 'Now, Colonel Warre, you mind the right, I will take the left, and Major Inglis the centre.' This was said amidst a shower of missiles of every kind, and he was then as cool and collected as if on parade. Poor Colonel it was the last order I heard him give, and the last time I saw him alive. He could not have suffered much pain from the nature of his wound. "I would have written to you before, but I did not like to intrude upon your grief. If there is any service I can do for you, or any information I can furnish, I will do so with pleasure; and Boakes knows that if there is anything to be done which he cannot properly manage I will give him all the assistance in my power. "In conclusion, I beg respectfully to assure you of my best wishes for the welfare of yourself and the young ladies, and I trust you will not consider me too forward in-thus addressing you.

"I remain, Madam, your very humble servant,

"GEORGE CUMMING, " Colour-Sergeant and Acting Sergeant-Major, 57th Regiment."

A letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Wane to Mrs. Shadforth also de- scribes how her husband "was beloved in life and how respected in death." A touching but Manly letter from Colonel Shadforth to his wife, written on the 17th June, and bidding her and his children farewell, has also been made public ; and redounds to the credit of the writer. The Queen 1128 granted a pension to Mrs. Shadforth of 200& per annum. .

TUSXBY.—It is pretty confidently reported that Omar Pasha will join the army in Asia and take the supreme command. Another statement, less supported,- is that General Vivian had left Constantinople and had gone to the Black Sea to choose a landing-place for troops somewhere near Batoum—" troops," we suppose, meaning the Turkish Contingent. The .Presse Of Paris has published a letter, dated "Kars, July 14," de- scribing the movements of the Russians during the four preceding days. It appears that on the 10th the enemy showed all his forces, and made an attack on the Karadagli, which failed. On the 12th, General Mouravieff again shifted his camp, left outposts only before the place, and marched a short way towards Erzeroum ; but the next day he returned in force; a column was sent against the "rear" of the works, another against the " flank " ; in both places the garrison was prepared. The Russians en- deavolfred to induce the garrison to quit their strong positions, but failing, they returned to their camp. Meanwhile the Russian cavalry had sus- • tamed two cheeks from the Bashi-Bazouks in the direction of Tcha.kmali; or as the Russians say, the Bashi-Bazouks sustained two defeats. "These events," says the letter, "have given great confidence to oar troops, who are animated with an excellent spirit." They have also shown - the excellence of the-defenaive works constructed by Colonel Lake.

Russi.s.—The Invalids _Busse publishes despatches from Admiral Khroustehoff, the Military Governor of Archangel, describing the "vic- tories" of the Russians in that region. He says that on the 9th July an enemy's steamer approached Liamtsa, and sent out four boats to effect a landing, supported by a fire of cannon, grape, and rockets. Subse- quently; .two other boats 0" with troops for landing" were sent; but "thirty-four peasants," headed by an old soldier, made a successful re- sistance, and obliged the boats and the troops and the steamer to retire. "Only one man was wounded." The Admiral also narrates how a party of the English shot twelve sheep on an island ; and how another party landed on an island to carry off reindeer ; but seeing twenty men with guns coming from Kesni, hard by, they retreated, carrying off only two reindeer. Other exploits of this kind are recorded, such as the carrying away of "clothes" and wood from certain boats, belonging to the "com- mercial countinghouse of the woods near Onega."

The Emperor is busily engaged in pushing the organization of the mi- litia, which seems to be making progress. Everything, of course, is done to excite the enthusiasm of the men. In a recent order of the day, is-

sued after a review, the Emperor says— '

" Make yourselves the true champions of Holy Russia, since we are called on to defend all that we hold most sacred. Call to mind the militia of 1812, and their glorious cooperation in avenging the profanation of our churches and the. violation of the soil of Russia. Let us prove to Europe, and to the whole world, that we are worthy of our ancestors, and that no one can with impunity dare to offend us."

The most authentic accounts from Poland represent that country as almost free from Russian troops.

THE BALI10.—No trustworthy intelligence has been received respect- ing the movements of the fleet, either in the direction of Sweaborg or Bevel; but a private telegraphic despatch has reached Paris stating that "the Allies have operated with success against Revel "—a report not credited in the French capital. The Gazette of Tuesday contained a despatch from Admiral Dundas, enclosing one from Captain Yelverton, describing a successful expedition against the island of Kotka. His force consisted of the Arrogant, the Cossack, the Magicienne, and four mortar-vessels, Prompt, Pickle, Rocket, and Blazer. On the 26th July, he disposed of his ships so as to cut off all communication by the bridge which united the island and the mainland. Having accomplished this, he landed all his Marines under the command of Captain Lowder. But the garrison had fled from the fort, and nothing remained but to burn the Crown property, including barracks, magazines, ordnance stores, storehouses, stables, guardhouses, and other Government buildings, with an immense amount of timber in- tended for building and other military purposes. A change in the wind fired the village, and it was much damaged ; but " the fine church on the island" was spared.

Herren STATEEL—The Arago arrived at Southampton on Thursday, 'with advices from New York to the 28th July.

The newly-chosen Legislature of Kansas had met and received the usual message from the Governor—a document condemning both the dis- union views and agitating spirit of the Ultra-Abolitionists and the vio• lance of the Missouri mobs. The Governor argued with warmth and power the right of the people of Kansas to decide for themselves, without help from abroad, whether they would have slavery within the territory: The Legislature consisting of fifteen members chosen by the Missouri invaders from localities near the border of Missouri, and eleven Free-soil

members chosen from the settlements established by the Emigrants' Aid Societies, returned the Governor's moderation by expelling the minority and removing the Legislature to Shawnee Town, on the Missouri line. The Free-soil settlers, of course, repudiate "the acts of this fraudulent Legislature."

Care OP Goon HOPE.—Advices from the Cape to the 3d June have been received. Two reports have been presented to the Legislative Council; one on the state of the frontier. It appears that the lingoes make some serious complaints, such as that land has been taken from them, that their cattle feeding on this land are impounded, and that regu- lations restraining their customs have been adopted. The report states that there was no ground for the story that the Caffres had entered the Amatolas; but at the same time it is admitted "that the unsettled state of the country at the time, the prevailing suspicions of Fingo disaffection and Caffre intrigue were well calculated to render the functionaries who

were involved peculiarly alive to rumours of not unlikely contingencies, and liable to erebr on the most prudent side."

The second report related to the mining districts; and on the motion Of the Colonial Secretary the House of Assembly agreed to appropriate 2500/. "for the purpose of engaging a competent engineer to make tho necessary preliminary surveys, with a view to the formation of railroads in this colony."

The Burgher Force Bill, to provide for the defence of the frontiera was steadily going through the House of Assembly, notwithstanding tilt; determined opposition of a small minority, who contested every clause.