11 AUGUST 1866, Page 1

The prospect of peace has been clouded by an announcement

that Napoleon has formally demanded of Berlin the boundary of 1814. This demand is understood to imply the cession to France of Sarrelouis and Landau, German fortresses and districts, and Philippeville and Martenburg, in Belgium. The demand had on Friday not been entertained by the Prussian Government, but it will probably be a basis for further negotiation, during which France will get something. It is not probable that the proposal would have been put forward without a distinct understanding with Prussia, and it does not therefore menace war, but the pre- cedent is an ominous one for Italy, which may similarly be required to pay toll. As we have shown elsewhere, the bitterness created by Prussian success among French politicians is exceedingly great, but as yet, fortunately, there is no definite cry for war. The ill- ness of the Emperor, which was officially acknowledged in the Moniteur of Friday, though the journal also announced his re- covery, tends to keep difficulties from becoming extreme.