11 AUGUST 1906, Page 2

He admitted the existence of a great deal of serious

opposi- tion amongst the clergy of the country, but while sympathising with their soreness be held their fears to be unfounded. Dr. Percival replied to Lord Hugh Cecil's attack on plain Bible teaching as a new religion with the retort : "Why have you held your peace for thirty-six years and more ? " and endorsed Mr. Page's view that what has been done without offence or without complaint in higher schools could also be accomplished in elementary schools. In regard to amend- ments, the Bishop of Hereford was in substantial agreement with most of those insisted on all along in these columns. Dr. Percival ended a speech which we regard as of most hopeful augury by an eloquent appeal to the Opposition to show more trust in local authorities and teachers, to abstain from wreck- ing amendments, and to use their strength with moderation.