11 AUGUST 1917, Page 3

Sir William Robertson's rugged optimism shines out of his inter-

view with a correspondent of the New York Times, which is repro- duced very fully in Monday's Daily Chronick. He compared our present position on the Western Front with what it was in 1914. Then we were thousands where now we are millions. Then we were retreating ; now we are steadily, if slowly, advancing. It was too early, he declared, to say that the defensive in modern warfare was impregnable. " Let us wait a few weeks." " Some one had got to give way in this conflict," and it would not be the Allied armies, if the Allied peoples were steadfast. America's entry into the war, said the Chief of the General Staff, made the end certain, and should hasten it. "You are confident of the end ? " asked the correspondent. " Who," was the reply, " could doubt it and live 1"