11 AUGUST 1928, Page 12


A delightful account reaches me from a Somersetshire Rectory of a life-saving feat by a domestic duck, which deserves to rank with the geese of the Capitol ! One un- fortunate duck caught in the sticky mud of a very shallow pond tried to release its feet by the agency of its bill ; but went from bad to worse and was likely to drown. Its struggles drew the attention of another duck, which swam to the rescue, seized the struggler by the neck and after a good three minutes' tugging, when both birds became nearly exhausted, pulled the drowning bird free. The two then swam off together as if nothing had happened. Many animals will help one another in distress. The best example that ever I saw concerned two pigs on a Kent farm. One was quite blind ; but was conducted everywhere by a companion, and when in doubt simply waited for a timely prod.

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