10 AUGUST 1944, Page 13


is,—May I suggest to Dr. H. G. Lys that we should overcome what . Waley Cohen in The Spectator, page 403, October 29th, 1943,

ailed "reluctance of the Electricity Commission," and August 4th, 1944, ge 504, Dr. Lys finds the Electricity Commission "on the side of the imply companies" by inducing Parliament to amend the Electricity Acts that the Section 6(f) Act 1882, is actively enforced—" the revocation of e Order or Special Act where the undertakers have practically failed o carry the powers granted to them into effect." This, if made a mpulsory duty of the Electricity Commission, would extract from each onopoly every village to which the authorised supplier has failed to rovide supply. Under Section 23, Act 1909, "no one shall be prevented- om supplying electricity to neighbours from business premises not rimarily electricity supply "—confirmed in Chancery Division, 7/12/27, aerphilly, by Mr. Justice Russell—every village so detached can be