10 AUGUST 1944, Page 22

Shorter Notice

Choose Your Kitchen . By Adie Ballantyne. (Faber. 5s.)

AFTER these years of making do with whatever we can get, this almost falls into the category of escapist literature: impossible believe we shall ever enjoy the luxury of picking and choos• But here is Mrs. Ballantyne, very practically and sensibly cons ing various types of kitchen—town, country, agricultural, the • pensive, the flat kitchen, the one-room-flat kitchen-cupboard and on. Problems of wall material, colours, and equipment are cussed: it would have been better still if the author had been to indicate, however roughly, the price of the different items of eq meat. But she successfully sets us thinking about fundamen what do we want our kitchen to be? Utilitarian workroom, humane living-room and pivot of the family life? That is first thing we have to choose.