11 AUGUST 1984, Page 18


Sir: Unlike Geoffrey Wheatcroft (Diary 28 July) I rarely, with the exception of certain politicians, draw amusement at the passing of another human being. Jim Fixx was simply unlucky, though my superficial re- searches reveal that he was around 40, deskbound, and 16 stone at the start of the jogging career. Such credentials could have qualified him for a still earlier demise.

True, he made some money from his Complete Book of Running, which like most American books heralding a new fashion is wildly idealistic. As a recent and unlikely convert to any kind of sport, to me jogging seems fairly harmless. It will not save the world, but can be quite pleasur- able. After a time the body begins to look more beautiful, as unsuspected muscles develop. I find people frequently comment on how well I look.

Terry Reed

19 Ainsworth Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent