11 DECEMBER 1829, Page 1

SPECTATOR OFFICE, SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx.—There are no ar- rivals to-day

of much interest. The only Foreign papers which have been received are from Frankfort, dated the 6th inst. They state, upon the authority of an account from Nuremburg, that the Russian General DIEBITSCH has refused to receive a proposed. visit from the President of Greece, on the ground that the affairs of Greece would be settled elsewhere, and that it would be improper for him to receive such visit without the concurrence of the Emperor. It is now confidently stated, that an offer of a loan to the Sultan has been made by some of the leading capitalists in the City. The Sul- tan's answer to the proposals has not been received. Letters received from St. Michael's this morning state that the Eng- lish ship Zeno had been sent to that island, a prize to the Portuguese blockading squadron off Terceira. The Times of this morning states that an operation for the cataract in the King's eye is expected to take place. We hear from private sources, that an operation has been recommended by some of his Majesty's medical attendants ' • but that the Princess Sophia has ur- gently entreated him not to submit to it, her own experience under a similar misfortune having proved that the sight of the remaining eye will remain good, whereas it might be endangered by the operation for cataract.