11 DECEMBER 1830, Page 14

Vitriol is. assuming great importance amongst the means of at-

tack and defence. Towns are defended by vitriol thrown out of garret-windows. A paper-machine the, other day was fortified by two gallons of vitriol. It has been used in mobs. And a disap- pointed suitor (Morning Herald, Dec. 8) has revenged himself upon his intended uncle and aunt, by blinding them with vitriol : he did not succeed upon the lady, and in a fit of spite swallowed a phial of prussic acid-4tother triumph of chemistry. The fatal bottle was labelled with extreme scientific refinement- " Hydrocyanic acid, of Scheele's strength, specific gray. 996. Minimum dose, 1 drop." The phial so labelled was found among the straw under the corpse:of the suicide, JOSEPH CLARKE. This is as it were to find a graduated dagger : so far, this dagger reaches the aorta, so far, the left ventricle of the heart—up to this line, the right lobe of the lungs, &c. Chemistry has also lent its aid to the poor in their endeavour to raise the prices of labour by rickburning—the inflammatory coin, position is arranged with a nice knowledge of the chemical art. Thus it is—with the use comes the abuse: let no one rail at knowledge.