11 DECEMBER 1847, Page 9



Though money for commercial use is less in demand than it had been for some time, and the rate of discount may be quoted at from 5 to 6 per cent, a consider-

able pressure has occurred in the Stock Exchange. The books of the various Stocks upon which the dividends become due in January have all closed during the week; those of the Three per Cent Consols shutting today. The indisposition of capitalists generally to lock up their money in Stock for the next six weeks Las caused the "continuation" to range between prices affording an interest at the rate of from 54 to 6 per cent per annum. There has not been any general disposition to sell Stock. Some influential and considerable sales have been effecte.d; but the prices have been on the whole well supported; for though a downward fluctuation of about per cent has occurred, the result of the week's business has been to establish the closing quotation today nearly the same as last Saturday's. The premium of Exchequer Bills has fluctuated between 3s. and 7s., and the firm appearance of those securities still continues. Happily, the week has passed over without any commercial failures of importance. The insolvency of a large sugar-refining establishment in Amsterdam has inflicted severe losses on some of our large houses; one firm being mentioned as suffering to the extent of 20,0001., and two or three others to half that amount. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been rather more important than usual; the better class of Dividend-paying Stocks continuing in demand, and a fair quantity of business having occurred in them at rather better prices. Mexi- can Bonds are rather lower; the demand having slackened. A sale of 20,0001. occurred on Wednesday; which would appear to have changed the aspect of the market, as the quotations today-174 4—are from to 4 per cent lower than those of last week. The success of the Ca- bralista party in the commencement of the Portuguese elections seems to be re- garded favourably by the bond-holders: Portuguese Stock has advanced to 23, being an improvement of 1 per cent upon our last prices. Spanish Stock has not been much affected, the transactions in both varieties having been unimportant: prices have undergone a slight depression, but the market has since recovered its firmness.

The Railway Shares may be generally quoted rather lower than last week. The business in this department has occasionally been of importance, but the general character pervading the markets is one of languor. A decline of about 11. has occurred in the Shares of the North of France, in consequence of the heaviness in the Paris market. The French and other Foreign Shares are also generally depressed. The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending December 4, xhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results—


Rest Increase. Decrease.

£42,563 Public Deposits 69,955

Other Deposits 202,735

Seven-day and other Bills

5,382 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight. •

Other Securities

461,401 Notes unissued 596,430

Actual Circulation

186,510 Issux Dzyszvatesrz.

Notes Issued 409,920

Bullion 499,656

This week. Last week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 11,032,599 10,532,943 Actual Circulation 18,783.065 18,969,575


Though the books of Consols are shut, business has occurred in that Stock by special transfer at 854 and 854. The favourable character of the Bank ac- counts has given firmness to the market, and our quotations are now 4 per cent in advance of those of yesterday, Consols for Account being 854 ex dividend; equivalent to a quotation with dividend of 864 4. No change or business of im- portance has occurred in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are lower, and the market for these securities heavy. The following are the principal bargains recorded: Eastern Counties, 164; Great Northern, 44; Great Western, Half- shares, 58; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 164; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 234; North-western, 3; Midland, 401. Shares, 424; Ditto, Birmingham and Derby, 82; North British, Third-shares, 2; South Staffordshire, 24. SATURDAY, Two &mom.

The English Stock Market is firm. Consols have been done at 86 for Money, and at 854 ex div. for Account; the closing quotation is 854 for January. Bank Stock is heavy, and is quoted at 1884 and 1864. Exchequer Bills 5s. to 8s. premium. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been confined to the following: Buenos Ayres, 30; Grenada, 184; Mexican, 174 4; Spanish Three per Cents, 284; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 554. An influential purchase to the extent of about 20,0001. has occurred in Mexican Bonds; which, after being at 174, close at 174. The Share Market still continues to be depressed; the following are the principal bargains since the morning: Aberdeen, 284; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 184; Bristol and Exeter, 64; Caledonian, 374; Eastern Counties, 16; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 464; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 224; Great Western, 99; Ditto, Half-shares, 574; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 164 17; Ditto, Fifths, 234; Ditto, New, 84; Lancaster and Carlisle, 55; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 434 3 4 4; London and North-western, 154 2; London and South- western, 544; Manchester and Leeds, 76; Norfolk, 82 1; North British, 27 64; North Staffordshire, 74 4; Scottish Central, 234; York and Newcastle, 34 34; York and North Midland, 754 5; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension, 284 9; Northern of France, 114 4; Or ears and Bordeaux, 54; Over Yssel, 24; Paris and Lyons, 54; Sambre and Meuse, 7.

3 per Cent Consols

Danish 3 per Cents 82 4 Ditto for Account 851 ex div. Dutch 21 per Cents 55 6 3 per Cent Reduced 841 I Ditto 4 per Cents. 84 5 31 per Cents 851 86 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846.. • 171 4 Long Annuities 81 9-16 New Grenada 18 19 Bank Stock 1861 1881 PortugueseN.4perCents1842 22 3 Exchequer Bills 5 8 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 76 8 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 78 80 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 17 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 281 29 Buenos Ayres Spar Cent.... 30 Venezuela 34 6

Chill= 6 per Cents 89 91