11 DECEMBER 1852, Page 11



The English Stock Market has been rather steady during the week, and the variation very trifling. Consols opened and closed on Monday at 1011 1, being the improved quotation which they reaohed after official hours on Saturday. There was * decline on Tuesday, owing chiefly to a reaction, on the Paris Bourse. On Wednesday, a demand for Money stock, particularly the purchase by a leading broker, caused a recovery. The settlement of the Aecount took place yesterday, and was easily arranged : the rate of continua- tion paid was from 3-l6ths to 5-16th'. The adjustment caused no alteration in prices. This has been the last public transfer-day in Consols previous to the closing of the Bank-books for the arrangement of dividends ; and the Funds havelbean rather dull: the Money quotation of Consolshas not altered, but they are * lower for the Account, closing at 1011 1. Exchequer Bills have suffered this week from a succession of sales, and have declined 78.; leaving off today at 60 "to 65. Bank Stock is 1 higher. India Stock has not altered.

In the Foreign Market, prices on the average have been well maintained; but the transactions generally have not been numerous, and the value of nearly all the leading. Stocks is the same as last week. There has been in- creased business in Peruvian Stock, and in Austrian Scrip : both are 1 better. Turkish-Scrip has rallied' 1 ; it closes today. at 11 21 premium. A memorial to the 'Sultan on behalf ef tliehelders has been advertised; and lies for sig- nature at the office-of-the Committee. Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred, and Sweets' h Sorip, have suffered from speculative sales, and are each lower, Mexican Stock eaperi,enced no fluotaation yesterday on the arrival of the packet liringieg. 38,181 dollars, for dividend account; but no news has yet transpired likely to interest the Bondholders. The Stock has fallen k today, being now 24-**. Thb Railway Market has lost in scone measure the buoyant appearance-it presented last. week.; several sales having taken place for the purpose of realizing profits. London and North-western declined 10e. on Monday, and 11.-58. on Tuesday ; having been done as low as 127. Great Western had fallen 108., and Midland 1/. On the two subsequent days there was a par- tial recovery in several cases, owing to the improved tone of the English Funds. Yesterday, London and Nbtth-western and Midland had rallied 158., and Great Western 5s. There was then a difference in some of the principal Shares, to the following extent compared with last Saturday. Increase— Caledonian, I/. 10s.; Lancaster and Carlisle, and London, /Brighton, and South Coast, 11. Decrease—Bristol and Exeter, 2/. ; South-eastern, 1/. 5s. ; Lancashire and Yerkshire, London and North-western, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11.; East Lancashire, 'Great /iforthern, and North British, 101.; Great Western, and Midland, Bs. The depression in the English Railways has influenced Foteign Shares; inewhich also many sales have taken place ; and thelollowing decline has occurred. Paris and Strasbourg, 2/. 5s.; Paris and Lyons; and Paris and 'Orleans, 2/. ; Rouen and Havre, 1/. Si.; Grand Junction of France, 11. ; Northern of France, and Paris and Rouen, 10s. These Foreign Shares are considered slightly better today-, and the English lines, en the-contrary, are a trifling &grm-loWer: BATOBIDAT TWZILVE o•creex. In the English Market the dividend has this morning been taken off the pride of Consols, and they are *better for the Account; being 100* 1 ex di- vidend. Exchequer -Bills continue heavy at130 5. The only alteration in Foreign-Stocks is in Spanish : the Three per Cents arc now 511, and De- ferred 24A, which is 1 lower in each case. ltiitkiah Scrip is 21 premium, and -"Swedish Loan 2t It discount. There is animation in Railway Shares, but no change in prices ; the following transactions have been recorded—Ca- ledonian, 691 ; North British, 41 ,• Bristol and Exeter, 109 inburgh, Perth, and temdee, 301; South Wales, -391; Waterford and Denny,Bin

Danish 3 per Cents 83 5

Dutch 24 :per Cents 97 713t

Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexicanl per Cents 244

Peruvian 6 per Cents 106 7 Portuguese 5 per Cents1824 Russian-5 per Cents 118 20 Ditto 44 per Cents 1043 5i Spanish 8 per Conte 51 Ditto Deferred 24

Sardinian 5 per Cents ... 964 71 ex cl.

Austrian Scrip 9 11 pm. 3 parCent Console

Ditto for Account

perCent Reduced 3k per Cents IionrAnnuities shut' 101 ex d 109 4 6 7-16

Bank Stock

2224 34 Exchequer Bills 60 65

Biota Stock

275 7 Brazilian 5:per Cents.. 102 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Chilrxn 6 per'Cents 106 8

Danish 5 per Cents.

106 7