11 DECEMBER 1858, Page 10


it ,C1-a &rook •-BidiAltitii,-.Fenivi A:pinta:oat.%

Ainctit ibuture at length preseuts itself Morleyablerketf:iyesterciay„,, the Dank lAirectors 'redticed their rate :4 dilfeAlinP41;tf ,I11)21111)0r.,q0n.. Funds, ancl:•fui upward tendency to moat:seem-4e a , enalieg ck: The iiiimeditite effe_ct. of this me asure wa& te. create AtiSe ,Er,fe341 Exchange.; unfil-the measure was annotirieed Hier ' 'had 11 rtnirkicTifil' adiVity in -the Camel Market; Which assiimikhattlier a' dawnwasal tendency during anti, -after- the settlement ; notwithatanding the- klailY purchase by --the :GoVermeent.!-Dreker,-::the Selefal, hail. so,- far preponderated -as to have, canoed a fall of fully per cent,-, The prent recovery. ha.s been well sustained pito late this afternoon, when lilt reaction took place, but moderate iniportations' 'of the precious' • kid's, and tin nktence of political excitement, there seems etery probability:of a return -of activity always attendant -upon, an abundant supply of _money. Consols are now quoted 97k 97.1_ex fltva. this morning sonie .purchases were made at 97; Reduced and -;etv Three per Gents, 97 97k. .Mritil the reduction yesterday in the Dank 1-ate of iltscount "there had been little or DO business doing in the Foreign :'Shr , . . , . prices remaining merely nominal ; since then,-hev

ower,' t lunFbeen some degree of animation, mid prices are from- k -to 1:pen cent better- gurkt.

ish Scrip which was quoted./ dish -Jam improved k menu ;',the ka, pet Cent Stock has risen-1 per cent; 93k 9A, other _a:90ga axe stead/ at their,quo- tations. The business in this market is some-What inCrefise, andthere is eery probability of prices being well supported. PeruYien,' Four-and-a- half per Cent., 03 91; Ditto Three per Cent, 74 75 ;-Ditto Irribatren, 8788; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 8081; Buenos Ayres, 8586; Venezuela,.49 43; Por- tuguese Three per Cents, 48 48k; Spanish Active, 47 47k; Olsiliati NeW Lean, 1 1 prem.; Victor Emmanuel, 98 99. The English Itailway Share Market has continued to show great. firmness throughout the week, particularly in Midland, London and North Western,' Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Great Western, theformer having adrancerl 2 per cent and the remaining 'lines 1 to '11 per :cent. Chester and Moly, heads have risen 3/. on the arrangement With the North-Weatere Ceamany. The last quotations in the chief lines are as follow—Midland, 100k 1001; London and North-Western, 95 95; Great Western, 54 561; London and South-Western, 931 94-1; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 971971'; Bristol and Exeter, 93 94; Chester and Holyhead, 43 44 Caledonian Stock, 171 88; London and Brighton, 1121 1131; South-Eastern and Dover, 75 751; Great Northern Stock, 1081 1081 • Manchester, Sheffield, and Lin coin, 381 381; Eastern Counties, 621 831. 'The Markets, generally, are flat at the

close today. ,

Business is quiet in the French Market; but prices are steady ; the traffie receipts eontinuing good. Northern of France, 391 401 ;-, Paris and Lyons; 35k Paris and Straebourgs, 271 281; 'Southern of France, 23 231 ; In shares are good ; the reduction in the Bank rate, doubtless, baying some effect—East Indians, 108 1081.