11 DECEMBER 1858, Page 20

Ge:tise4tir October, at Sinilali,.Lieutenant■ Al g ae.fflovelioin Temple, Adjutant Kumaon Battalion, second

son of the late Sir' Gresinillell'enaple 'Temple, Bart., to 'Mitune,aymin#est!tdaughter of the: arite Capta.in Freelosis2k,K.Uowles, 11.M., 3d On the 18th, at Belgaum, Lieutenant-G, A. Laugliton 21e1 Bombay Eur. L. I. and Assistsuat-Ektperintendept :Revenue kims-cy,_ eldest soa'srf,RI.TAtughten,,,Esq., late sto Eupheinix. Chitty; only ,daughter -of the htte Coptaia Ersksne, of Kinnedders bounty-. Fife; N.B., and:grandfather rof the late Lerd,Kittneclelei, - -Ow the Sovember, at 'Christchurch, Ilyeellas Bombay; ,Jamesen Alers Hankey, EsIS Bombay Civil Serviee, fourth. soh utilehillskier$ HankeY,ESOo Feischurch Streets toLMinna Louisa, daughter of Colonel H. Lyons, 'Town Major of Itombay. .0h the 2d December, in the 'Chapel of Galloway Meuse._ Wilbraham Frederick Tollemache, Esq., eldestson of .Tohn Tollemache, Esq., ;14,P.ifor,Cheshire, to Lady EinrealGdorgiana. Stalinist, second:daughter. of the Earl. of. Galloway. • -Olathe 2d, at 8t..Paulls Church, 'Covent Gardee.:Eoutieomery Biurnett, sixth BOA of the late James Burnett, Esq., of Sams; Peebleashire,N.Bsto,Martivalceeorgiana, oulystirsiving daughter , Of the; late Henry Fuller; Esq. for , many years' Attorney- General ofSthe Island. of Trinidaes' • • s '• I. Ott the 7th, at St. Mary Jyugdalene'i, Munster Square, Edgar Alfred Dowsing, Esq., son of Sir John Bowring, II.M.'s Plenipotentiary in-China, to Ellen, daughter of Lewis Cubitt, Esq.