11 DECEMBER 1858, Page 5


Lord Brougham will preside at the Burns' Centenary Festival in Edin- burgh on the 25th January. As an expression of admiration and grati- tude some of the leading citizens of Edinburgh have invited him to ac- cept a public dinner, " cyfilell'sViiie utterance, however int-

perfect, willbdiliVeh'bilftielitigrwhicli the underlsigned kneiv to lietishde

aUelasies!andparties oftheit .ffillow-citizens." • • The Ayr Obsereer tieportalthe. death of the sister of Robert Burns. Isa- bella -dlurnst born in 1771, 'the youngest child of the finaily, married a Mr. Beggs. lie got ou in the werld ,acid - became factor to Mn Hope-Yore of Blackwood. But in 1813 he was killed klyki horse which fell on linn5 and his widow was left With nine children. She received 201.A year frota,114.• Vere and eked Out # living by teaching. I.3y,degrees some of theheys be-- came schoelratisterirtwe of the girls dres,stuakers: For a leng tithe their

relationshiPIO sfthid: ""Atiairt, however, ititereSt was MadtWith ti veisitasts%t;'shda penitiOn Of 101. Was obtained for ?tint:

Begg;, if We Mietake, '4,lirougli the fate Mr: Feege sae n,. of Ra ith, M . P. Afterwards,. in 1642.; by the kindexertioba of M. Robert Chambers,, a suns. of 4001. was Mired by pubiio subscription •part of which , was sunk in an annuity foe Mra.,Begg, and which dies withl her, :160/. being ?Marred for the • two .Alaugfiters.. The ,proceeds of Chambers's life of the poet,. Which amounted to 200/., also fell, to the daughters, and the late-Sir.11oberb Peel when in power granted themo pension of 10/. each; so that in ocaniog to reside in the neighbourhood of . Ayr, the Milted 6111118 of mother , and daughters made Up about 73/. of annuity, 110 great stipend certainly, if we remember' that it was given to those who are in a manner -flesh' of the flesh and bone Of the bone of one who has made our country so illustrious,, one, too, out of 'whose•ewn .reputation and writings so many splendid for- tunes have beenmedo."