11 DECEMBER 1875, Page 2

The Prince of Wales has been well received in Ceylon

by everybody except the weather. He went to Kandy, saw Buddha's tooth, was received with characteristic devil-dances, hunted elephants, shot two, and was thrown out of his carriage, but performed most of these feats under showers of rain, sometimes so severe that the porters fled and scattered the luggage over the hill-road. On Friday he landed at Tuticorin, and was to proceed, via Madura, to Madras, where great preparations are being made for his reception. The Duke of Buckingham, now Governor there, appears to have overriden all the objections to the Prince's visit, the first of which was that cholera might break out among the crowds who would assemble to see him. There is much cholera this year, and we see that apprehensions are expressed as to the results of assembling the great camp at Delhi.