11 DECEMBER 1875, Page 23

The Indian Civil Service. By A. C. Tupp, B.C.S. (R.

W. Brydges.) —This excellent little volume contains in a compact form all the facts and figures, and most of the arguments, necessary to a thorough com- prehension of the results of the competitive system, as far as it affects the Indian Civil Service, together with exhaustive accounts of the work to be done by Civilians, and the grievances of the Service as regards pay and promotion. We cannot say it is amusing reading, but the book is a perfect mine of information, which should be in the hands of every man who discusses the competition question, and of every lad who hesi- tates whether or not to enter the Indian field. They will find, we think, that India is no longer the land of promise it was for all civilians, but that men of any specialty can still get on, and that competition secures as good a class of men as ever nomination did.