11 DECEMBER 1886, Page 2

The only news from Eastern Europe this week is of

apparent but probably not of real importance. The Porte has issued a Circular stating that Prince Nicholas of Mingrelia is the- Russian candidate for the throne of Bulgaria, and that his acceptance by the Powers will enable the Sultan to suggest a road out of all difficulties. This Circular is regarded by the Bulgarians as an insult ; but Count Kalnoky has, it is said, intimated the willingness of the Austrian Government to accept its terms, which, it is understood, cover a formal union of North and South Bulgaria. It is possible that Count Kalnoky haa given some assurance. of the kind, to soothe the Czar, especially if he knows that England will consent to no such nomination ; but he cannot persist in it. The Hungarians are determined that Bulgaria shall not be morally annexed to Russia, and are agreed that the election of an Asiatic subject of Russia would be moral annexation. They will press the Emperor ; and this plan, like many others, all intended to leave- Bulgaria Russian, yet avoid the visible affront of an occupation, will be abandoned. Indeed, according to one account, it is abandoned already. The Bulgarian Envoys are still travelling through Europe, and their movements are duly chronicled ; but they have, of course, little weight upon the actual current of affairs. At present, the Courts are trying to make the Emperor of Russia reasonable, and the Regents, who are in quiet possession of their own country, are watching kidnappers, and awaiting events.